Thursday, November 30, 2006

Danger Bear

So I just get off the phone with Hoag who now answers his phone "Danger Bear, may I help you?"

Do I really want to call my pal Danger Bear?

Do you want me to call him Danger Bear?

Would that be a good thing? Would it last more than a day or two?

What if it stuck? What if I had to spend the rest of my life chummin' around with Danger Bear?

It's been tough enough hangin' out with a guy named Hoagy.

Maybe we could call him Hoagy Bear instead. Or maybe not.

Life is too complicated as it is for me to have to deal with this kinda stuff.

Danger Bear is pretty cool though...


  1. "Hoagy Bear" sounds a bit gay.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that...

  2. Is that like Secret Agent Bear?

  3. Anonymous10:58 AM EST

    I vote for "The Bear Formerly Known as Danger Pirate."

    That's kind of a mouthful when answering the phone, though.

  4. Anonymous11:08 AM EST

    Is Hoagy Bear and Wifey one in the same??

  5. You know, Anonymous, you could be on to something...

  6. Is Danger Bear good or evil? Does he have powers? A cape? A Danger Bearmobile? A sidekick named Cub?

  7. Anonymous12:45 PM EST

    There is no Danger Bear.

  8. When i hear the word Danger

    I think of Lost in Space

    Danger Will Robinson Danger!!!!!!

  9. While I like the theory that Hoagy is really NoOprah's wifey, I can't picture the happy couple going to NewYork City just to buy a switchblade knife.

    Or, more importantly, I can't picture a couple actually getting married after trying to buy a knife, and ending up with a comb!

    Just call him DB. He'll be happy, but you'll just be thinking "Douche Bag". Everyone is happy.

  10. Back in the 1970s me and Hoag stopped hangin' out for a bit cuz he joined a gang called 'The Hogs'

    I aint making that up.

  11. Motheragawd:

    I KNOW! Don't you just wanna ruffle their hair and pinch their cheeks?!

  12. Anonymous2:23 PM EST

    OK, is Hoagy a BEAR or a friggin PIG. You can't have it both ways.

  13. He's confused.

    Let's leave it at that.

  14. Anonymous2:35 PM EST

    Or maybe you're confused nooprah. True love is blind.

  15. Anunomess:

    I thought you and Bemisdown were going to, err, "take care" of the inflatable lawn decorations last night?!
