Friday, June 08, 2007

a typical conversation with my puppy

ME: "Puppy!"

PUP: :wags tail:

ME: "g-owd-zide?"

PUP: :wags tail:

ME "g-owd-zide? g-owd-zide? g-owd-zide?"

PUP: :runs down hall with tail furiously wagging::

ME: "zats a gooood girl....zats a good girl"

ME: ::brings pup to newspaper strewn pee zone in garage::

PUP: :: runs in a tight controlled couterclockwise direction, squats, pees....sniffs around said pee"

ME: "Zats a gooood girl. Good girl."

PUP: :blank stare:

ME: :: tickles her belly as I carry her back in house:: "I'm. gonna. get. you. Gonna. get. you." ::more tickles on belly:::

PUP: (now inside house) :: smells where the pee comes from....licks same said area::

ME: ::tosses rope-toy down hallway:: "Go get it!"

PUP: ::indifferent stare::;

ME: "Go get it!!"

PUP: ::saunters toward water bowl::

ME: :sigh:

ME: ::Youze a good girl, Yes you are! Yes you are!::

WIFEY: "You're both creepy."


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM EDT

    YER OUT!

  2. You don't put little bows in her fur, do you?

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM EDT

    What's your problem lady? They make me feel pretty!

  4. Oh, hey, does she have a little rhinestone collar that says "Daddy's Little Princess" on it?

  5. Anonymous2:40 PM EDT

    Rhinestones are for losers. Cubic zirconia all the way, baby!

  6. Anonymous2:57 PM EDT

    I bet it is a pink poodle that you take out on buddy night!

  7. Anonymous5:02 PM EDT

    you're all covering and trying to be tough....i mean who doesn't love a man who tickles a puppys belly?

  8. Anonymous12:24 AM EDT

    My parents won't let me have a dog. The jerks.

  9. That puppy's name is better suited for a cat. Hee hee.

  10. Hey, I Ain't No Oprah,
    You speak dog very well.
    I'd lick my nether regions, if I could, by the way.
    Also, by the way:
    My other half can't get your blog to take her comments sny more!!!
    Any reasons you know of for that?
