Monday, July 09, 2007

The umbrella story.

So today I'm coming into work and it's raining fairly heavy when I notice this woman pushing a stroller with a child in it.

Now this woman was pretty smart because she had this clear like covering over the stroller protecting her child from the rain.

She was also holding an umbrella to protect herself from the rain. Cuz she's smart, correct?

So where is the story? Is there a point to today's blog? A smart women with a stroller and an umbrella does not make for good blog fodder.

Most of the time it doesn't.

But today it does.

You see, this woman had a tiny umbrella and a huge ass. Her sweatpanted covered buttocks were soaking wet because the tiny umbrella couldn't cover that giant fanny. She deemed it more important to cover her bad hairstyle than her bad ass.

And it made me laugh.


Because it's funny to see a dry woman with a drenched behind. Always has been. Always will be.


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM EDT

    It's not THAT big.

  2. Between hotdog vomit and giant wet asses, this blog is acting like a great appetite suppressant these days.

  3. I now want a giant hotdog.

  4. Anyone willing wearing sweatpants in public while not excercising at the time is usually good for a chuckle.

  5. Real women don't use umbrellas.

  6. Anonymous1:21 PM EDT

    what are you talking about?

  7. Whoops.

    ::hides umbrella::

  8. Anonymous2:24 PM EDT

    It's better than having a huge head and no arse. That can be a daily grind.

  9. Anonymous3:16 PM EDT

    Tell me about it.

  10. Anonymous3:22 PM EDT

    Tell ME about it.

  11. Anonymous4:07 PM EDT

    At least she wasn't wearing short-shorts and giving you a really good show of flabby wet SKIN.

  12. Anonymous5:02 PM EDT

    Mmmmmmmmm.....wet skin.
