Thursday, October 04, 2007

Ice is food.

So last night Wifey was out doing her Red Cross volunteer work (or something) and I need a place to:

a) eat dinner

b) watch the Red Sox game

So I went to the 99 down near my house and sat at the bar to eat and watch said game.

I'm watching the bartender pour ice into the ice thingy and she's pouring the ice from a large bucket with the words ICE IS FOOD in big letters on the side of ice bucket thingy.

Ice is food. Ice. Is food.

Now I'm pretty hungry but I'm not hankerin' for ice. I'm hankerin' for food. The Not Ice kinda food.
The fried chicken kinda food. With honey and mashed potatoes and maybe some corn and a biscuit.

And no matter how one might prepare ice I'm guessing it aint all that good.

So I order the chicken. And I think about how Canada could feed the world.

Because Ice is Food.

And then I think about how odd it is that a whole country is really just this massive meal just a waitin' to be eaten.

Because Ice is Food.

(the bucket of ice at the 99 really had the words ICE IS FOOD on it.)


  1. The bucket LIED! You don't catch food walking around claiming to be ice. SHEESH!

  2. Anonymous10:54 AM EDT

    I beg to differ sir.

  3. Anonymous10:55 AM EDT

    Hey whatsamattayou? We eatta tha ice all tha time no? We gotta the cherry ice, the lemon ice...

  4. Anonymous10:57 AM EDT

    Ice is food.

  5. But if ice is food, wouldn't that mean that food is ice? My mind is melting...melt-inggggg.

  6. Things you can't do with ice:

    Saute ice.
    Bake ice.
    Flame-broil ice.
    Fry ice.
    Deep-fry ice.
    Braise ice.

    But, you CAN float ice, so it is superior to fried chicken in that way. Fried chicken has never cooled my beverage. Ever.

  7. If you're going to sass Canada like that, see if we share our ice with you when you run out.

  8. Sparkle:

    You might not be able to fry ice but you can fry ice CREAM...just sayin'.

    I wonder what would happen if you battered an ice cube and fried it...

  9. Anonymous11:50 AM EDT

    I only have ice for you...

    -- Lamont "Snow Meiser" Cranston

  10. Anonymous11:54 AM EDT

    Ice Ice Baby

  11. That's a 10-4 re: the fried ice cream, Cakie. Maybe a deep-fried ice cube ends up moist and delicious like deep-fried turkey? Or maybe you end up with Crispy Crumbs Outside/Soggy Mess Inside? Dunno! I'm not allowed to deep-fry since the School Cafeteria Incident.

  12. Anonymous11:55 AM EDT

    Lamont has ice?!

  13. Anonymous12:15 PM EDT

    Lamont has more than ice....::winkwink:: if you know what I mean.

  14. Jaunty hats are food.*

    *Not afraid to plug my own blog, either.

  15. Drowned upper management is food...for fish?*

    *Plug, plug.

    (Yes, I know...hell in a handbasket.)

  16. Anonymous2:03 PM EDT

    I'm Lamont, and I don't know what "Lamont has more than ice....::winkwink:: if you know what I mean."

    But I'm either very flattered, or I'm calling Aquaman to come out of hiding and kick some ass.

    -- Lamont "I can be referential to another blog, too" Cranston

  17. Anonymous2:51 PM EDT

    Ice is not food!

    Ice is difficult to swim through. And chilly. But not food. Never food!
