Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why don't the British just speak English?

Ever notice that people from England don't speak the same language we do? We both call it English but I have no idea what they're talking about half the time.

They say stuff like:

"Pippins in the morning."

"Jolly poof biggins me Lady."

"Bollocks and sod to ya Mum."

"Bob's yer Uncle, ding dong Chatterly!"

"Have me some biscuits and chips, ladle me good."

"Piccadilly Lorry deliver me to Lords."

"How can you eat your meat when you don't have any pudding?"....Oh wait...that one is Pink Floyd.

"Lolly me blunders the whip of the wind flutters me bellows."

Or did I just do Scottish?


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM EDT

    Damn colonies.

  2. Today's post is just your way of flirting with Jayne, isn't it?

  3. Dear Lois,

    Was it that obvious?

    She flutters me britches.

  4. Hmm. It's too early in the day for him to be bladdered, so by jove, I think you're absobloodylutely right, Ace Reporter! Eeeeee, he's chatting Jayne up, the cheeky monkey--tremendously chuffed with himself, too, as well he should be. He's bloody Easter Bunny!


    P.S. I think he's got a bat in his cave today--he should check that out!

  5. Pass the marmite, toast, and tea?


  6. Aye, the laddie be tumtiggerring the soddin' haggis around the loch, that he be. A wee dram would set him right.

  7. HEY! Is "Redbeard" a PIRATE*? 'cause that would be way cool. Prior to today, there has been a lot of loose talk about pirates (as well as monkeys and bears), but never an ACTUAL pirate commenter. Garrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I'll bet anything that he's tumtiggering the sodden haggis 'round the loch**, too!

    *If so, may I please call him "the dread pirate Redbeard"?
    **Does this translate to "magooin' around"?

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM EDT


    Do you have proof that any of us are, in fact, NOT pirates?

    For all you know, you might very well be the only NON pirate on the boards.


    "Tumtiggerring the soddin' haggis around the loch"? It's a good thing he owns his own business, because otherwise he'd be up on harassment charges. And nobody would know how to pronounce harassment -- HARassment, or harASSment?

    At any rate, if he tumtiggers his sodden haggis around the loch too frequently, we can expect a pretty serious Bacon/Haggis lawsuit.


    Is marmite basically vegemite that is made out of marmosets? 'Cause that's just nasty. Seriously. Stick to the clotted cream and Cooper's Oxford. How's that ginger working out for you today?


    Wilkommen! Or however you say it in Viking. 'Cause my money is more on Viking than pirate. Unless you are a Viking pirate, which would be especially cool.


    Between the fluttering britches and the tumtiggerring, I trust you have a mop and disinfectant handy...


    So did God save you, or not?

    Who Killed Bambi?

    -- Lamont "Now You See Why I Don't Blog" Cranston

  9. Oh, that's just the final straw. I am now compelled to feature Lamont in a Celebrity Commenterography. This is gonna take awhile.

    Lamont: Could I be a pirate and I don't know it? Is there some kind of Jeff Foxworthylike "You might be a pirate if..." criteria that I should measure myself against? I know I don't have a wooden leg, an eyepatch, or a parrot.

  10. You might be a pirate if...

    Your other car is a wooden ship.

    You've called in sick to work because of scurvy.

    If your kids don't finish the dinner, they walk the plank.

    Your voice mail message is "Arrragh! Leave a message, landlubber. Arragh!"

    You have a penchant for puffy shirts and eyeliner.

  11. Anonymous1:28 PM EDT

    You might be a pirate if...

    You refuse to get direct deposit, because you want your weekly pay to be delivered in pieces of eight.

    You've ever wondered why more policitians aren't forced to walk their political planks.

    You've ever referred to anyone you're not married to, or in a domestic partnership arrangement with, as "matey".

    You keep getting turned down for department store Santa Clause gigs because your "Ho ho ho"s keep having a "Yo" slipped in front of them.

    You watched "Gilligan's Island" and were obsessed with the idea of using the flayed epidermis of Alan Hale Jr. as a mainsail.

    Your trick-or-treating partner disappeared on Nov. 1... right around the time a large cache of licorice raisin treats and Smarties was buried in your back yard.

    You were busted for your trick-or-treating partner's disappearance, with the primary evidence being an elaborately illuminated map to your cache of goodies -- over which his evicerated body was arranged.

    You thought Johnny Depp's most popular films were documentaries.

    As a tot you thought butter was overrepresented in Butter Rum LiveSavers.

    Your favorite moment in "Crocodile Dundee" is the part where Paul Hogan says "That's not a cutlass... THIS is a cutlass!" Well, that's the way YOU like to remember it, anyway...

    You're convinced the three ships Columbus used to discover the Americas were the Nina, the Pinta, and the Crimson Avenger.

    -- Lamont "Marco! Pantani! Marco! Pantani!" Cranston

  12. Lamont:

    Vegemite!? Ewww!

    (I'm done with ginger today...I've moved on to candy.)

  13. Damn, you people are good.

  14. You know, I'm not sure which is my favourite:
    "Jolly poof biggins me Lady" OR
    "Lolly me blunders the whip of the wind flutters me bellows."

    I'm pretty sure that Jack Wilde said, "Jolly poof biggins me Lady" on H. R. Pufnstuf.

  15. Awrite me old mucker, now stop talkin' like an ol' chimney sweep.

    I do beleive that you bugged my phone in order to get your phrases. You sly fox you.

  16. Bugged your phone??

    You mean I...?

    'Dropped an eaves on your telly'

  17. I see a new game in the works. Take an American sentence and 'Brit it up'

    How about:

    I would like a hamburger, french fries, and a small coke.

  18. Blimey, pull me trousers and call me Jim but I've a hopping kish for some of them flappers and chips, maybe with a bob of the ole fizzy on the side!

  19. "i would like patty of drupe, pots d'mum, and a small carbed grabby."

  20. "Diggers me quest,pots with the flash, and a tip of the cools."

  21. "Slice of the Mad, strips of the root, and a small hobbity-bop."

  22. "I fancy a flanny mcpan*, thicky crisps**, and a small Lilt, I do!"

    Or "I would like a hamburger, french fries, and a small coke" would be fine, too.

    *Popular in a very small village next to that other small village.
    **Not crisps, not chips...thicky crisps...

  23. Baggled beef (rare, not stoshy), some of 'em trittered taters, and a gushy pull from the holy tap.

    (And if this is a Brit recently moved to Canada, there'd be an "Eh" on the end, of course...I just figured that oot.)

  24. "A glip of tarn, smuugger of puzwangle, and a rip shoz of guzzle."

  25. Anonymous4:08 PM EDT

    "Oi! Mooing in the round on a toasty and burn it like 1666, side of Gaullic secrets and lies, and a wee dram of Coke."

    "Coke" is a universal term.

    -- Lamont "Merrie Olde" Cranston

  26. " a grazer, a fill of tots, and a rock of bubs."

  27. Rare steezy, hot 'n thick in my booshy...served with some thicks'n'sizzle and a toot of my most bollish draggle!


  28. Cor blimey, ducks! Slaver me some bapped-up rump o' Wiggles, a packet of earthy-oil-ups, and a small parson's sneeze!

  29. Waitasec, am I gonna be in trouble for my part in this? The Queen is still my head of state, after all.

    Oh blimey, I'm a troublesome bugger.

    What if they exile me to the States?!

  30. "A club of cavern, greased toes, and a mott filled with hoople."

  31. Pop some Bessie on me shingle, there laddy, and top it up with a plate of your best oilies and a galosh's worth of drippy dash n' drink!

  32. Anonymous4:21 PM EDT

    "A club of cavern, greased toes, and a mott filled with hoople."

    John, Paul, George, Ringo and Stu said...

    "That's the Best!"

    -- Lamont "Twelfth Beatle" Cranston

  33. Beatle me up a magpie, Pansy--there's a luv!

  34. G'over here, ye guttersnipe, I can't wait all day for me order of flat'n fatty, curly wags, and gullet-glencher!

  35. Anonymous4:23 PM EDT

    Nonplussed Londoner said:

    "Number one combination, and stop being such a wanker."

    -- Lamont "Cut to the Chase" Cranston

  36. Suddenly I'm hungrier than a boshed 'n siggled wally in a waggle house!

  37. Bodger m'codger, Cakie! I'm with you!

  38. Let's say we ditch this wrang toggle blog and find ourselves a nice little kit...get some of them fresh frazzled findangles, a side of corky workers, and maybe even share some pressed flake popples for dessert? Leave the rest of them here wallies to sort out their slappy dishfiggles!

    (This is hurting my brain...pass the ginger wine? Thanks!)

  39. "Seer some flat, dip some mash, and top off my licks."

  40. Dear Queen Jayne,

    I suspect that we all secretly long to be British subjects again...

    Benny Hill music kicks in as Sparkle chases off to make dinner, stomach growling


  41. Anonymous4:41 PM EDT

    Now see here...wot's all this then?

    "Rare steezy, hot 'n thick in my booshy"?
    "Top off my licks"?

    I'll have an indecency complaint sworn out against you lot, I will. It's not nice, it's not.

  42. Anonymous5:05 PM EDT

    Bless my corgis, you lot have been having a lot of blimey fun around these parts today, 'aven't ye!

    As for you, Miss Cake, I expect you'll be turning your passport in right double quick. Don't make me send the High Commission after ye.

  43. Allo La Queen:



  44. "Please me well with blood, root, and fizz."

  45. Anonymous5:13 PM EDT

    "Double Corgi burger with a side of fried Corgi strips and a fizzy Corgi pop (small)."

    -- Lamont "We Acknowledge No Royalty Save For The Osmonds" Cranston

  46. "A slap dop of ground, goldie hawns, and a topping of the poppermost"

  47. "Red tween buttocks,golden Rydell, and brown in the Thames."

  48. I'm laughing too much too comment any further.

  49. A big gold star to Jayne for being such a good sport!

    (And a bolly wog of tastiness double dipped in raggedy sauce for me for rounding the comments on this post off to 50!)

  50. Anonymous11:53 PM EDT

    Uh, Cake?

    Do you have any idea of what "a bolly wog of tastiness double dipped in raggedy sauce" actually means?

    Trust me, unless you've got a third job other than the two you write about, this is not something you should be saying is "for me."

    Not that there's anything wrong with it... I just never knew anyone who would actually so nakedly admit that she wanted/had had it.

    Actually, the mere fact that you are a "she" claiming that you want this is startling in and of itself... but perhaps I've said too much.

    -- Lamont "Carnal Knowledge" Cranston

  51. Dear Lamont:

    I came to work in fishnet stockings today.

    Perhaps there's lots you folks don't know about me.


  52. Double mrrrrow! (I hate it when my comments don't work.)
