Friday, December 07, 2007

Happy Pearl Harbor Day!

You Jap bastards!


  1. was the chupacabras who bombed Pearl Harbo(u)r?!


    Next you'll be telling me they're on side with Al Quaeda, too.


    Shit, we're SCREWED!

  2. Recommended Viewing for Pearl Harbo(u)r day:

    -Flags of our Fathers
    -Letter to Iwo Jima

    NOT: Pearl Harbo(u)r, featuring that wickid pissah Ben Affleck.

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM EST

    Don't forget about me *sob*

  4. I went and got sushi for lunch in honour of Pearl Harbo(u)r Day!




  5. 911's just a made up holiday used by Hallmark to sell cards.

  6. (Actually, that's a lie. If I'd actually been thinking, though...)

  7. I got Chinese (honestly) in honor of Pearl Harbor day.

    Please send hate mail for my insensitivity to:

  8. I wish Nine Hundred and Eleven had happened on Christmas Day so our Hallmark Cards could read:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS and Sorry Your loved one was crushed by falling concrete. And A Happy New Year!

  9. 1) To sum up: You!
    2) WOW! I like Bacon Ace's new picture!
    3) WOW! I like Redbeard's new picture!
    4) WOW! Cake's old picture is cool!
    5) The little known "Rhinestone Harbor" incident continues to haunt the "Bedazzler Community."
    6) I like turtles!

  10. I just put up our Christmas tree in honor (honour?) of Pearl Harbo(u)r.

    Or Christmas. Or Hanukkah. I'm not quite sure.


    Did someone say infrastructure?


  11. So to sum up:

    I robbed a post office in honour of Pearl Harbo(u)r Day, intending to donate my ill-gotten gains to the Society for Small Children with Big Teeth...but on my way out, I was tripped up by a chupacabra and all I ended up with in the end was an AAAALBATROSS!

  12. Hey, nice meeting you the other day as well. And I am so glad that you ain't no Oprah, I Ain't no Oprah.

    As far as losing my legs, well, I guess it would be totally inappropriate to say that I lost them at Pearl Harbor, so, I lost them at Pearl Harbor. See you soon.

  13. My legs got cut off on Nine Hundred and Eleven when a Japanese guy fell on me after leaping from a flaming building.

  14. Then you got hired for the role of ET: The Return.

  15. Anonymous9:00 PM EST

    i won mein chow now

  16. Anonymous7:10 AM EST

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  17. No one expects the Portuguese spammer!

  18. you're holding out on us...i was getting ready to post #3 for you...????
