Thursday, December 20, 2007

My Shower With Cthulhu

So I'm standing in the shower this morning, steam filling the room, soap and shampoo everywhere, when all of a sudden Cthulhu GRABS my leg and wraps his slimey tentacles around me.

He's cold and creepy and trying to suck out my soul.

I hate him. I fear him.

He visits me most mornings and he gives me the creeps. I finish the shower and start my day knowing that the process of Cthulhu sucking my soul will continue for years and years.

Unless of course Wifey finally buys (and has installed) the frosted glass shower door I so much need and want.

Point of the story?

I don't like shower curtains.


  1. 'Pansy' in America means:

    'tough guy with a heart of gold and a smile that melts the ladies'

    It's true.

  2. Does the Cthulhu hate chew too?

  3. Sissy in America means:

    'man who is afraid of shower curtains'

    It's true.

  4. Anonymous1:21 PM EST

    stop shaving your legs and it won't stick to you.

  5. Anonymous1:41 PM EST

    Wow, you have a real phobia... aquacortinphobia.

    Seek help!

  6. Girl in America means:


    It's true.

  7. Anonymous2:13 PM EST


  8. Do you have those sticky traction adhesives on the tub floor? If not you could have the "Fall of Cthulhu"

  9. So to sum up:

    NoOprah is a tough Girl who is afraid of shower curtains and has a heart of gold and a smile that melts the ladies.


  10. "and a smile that melts the ladies."

    Radiocative smile? Dude, brush those teeth.

  11. Anonymous3:44 PM EST

    Dont shower, just let the cats lick you clean. It works!

  12. NoOprah is a tough Girl who is afraid of shower curtains and has a heart of gold and a smile that melts the ladies.

    so she goes both ways?

  13. Just once.

    But I was hopped up on HGH.

  14. And it was Hoag, who was wearing fancy it hardly even counts.

  15. wait..Hoag goes both ways too?

  16. Anonymous11:16 PM EST

    Like you, M.Nophra, I too had the dislike by the curtains de shower, so many many year ago, I have them replace by the fine glass doors.

    Tout la famille agree the shower door is a truly wonderful things.

    They certainement opened up a whole new world of awareness by me. For instance, I discover that I did not really hate the curtains, in fact I hated the showers.

    So I stop that, and now I find I have much more time to engage my interests because I have many many less friends annoying me.

  17. Anonymous12:43 PM EST

    Jean Grosodeur,
    Are you making fun of Batroc Ze-Leaper'z accent?

  18. Anonymous10:47 PM EST

    Chriss de tabernac, M.Batroc, I would certainement make fun of your haccent if I knew what the hell is it.

    You don' speak english too good, an' you has all dese words like "zut" an' "ze" dat are only use by les juifs ancien du New York, so I guess you ask me if I make fun by your Jewish accent and no I don' do dat.

  19. Anonymous12:55 PM EST


  20. i guess IANO is getting coal in his stocking or he's still fighting off cthulu
