Thursday, February 07, 2008

FBI Arrests 'The Greaseball,' 'Jackie the Nose,' 'Tommy Sneakers,' and 'Bobby the Jew'...

So it seems that the FBI made a sweeping arrest of numerous members of the Gambino Family....

I wish I was in the mob just to get a cool nickname.

And with this being an election year I was thinking what the mob would nickname current and former politicians.

1. 'Georgy Dimrod'

2. 'Hillary the Cackle'

3. Johnny 'Splattered Brains' Kennedy

4. Richie 'The Crook' Nixon

5. 'Rudy the Major'

6. 'No-tofu Taft'

7. Mike 'Helmethead' Dukakis

8. John 'Munster' Kerry

You get the idea....


  1. - Bill "Canklelover" Clinton
    - Al "Greenhouse Gasbag" Gore
    - Pierre "Ladykiller" Trudeau (Canadian content)

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM EST

    'Rosey the Crip' (FDR)

    'Ronnie the Wallbuster'

  3. Anonymous12:40 PM EST

    Mitt the Quit

  4. Gerry the Pardoner

    Harry the Nuker

    Herbert "Black Friday" Hoover

  5. Anonymous12:56 PM EST

    Hillary 'Untouchable' Clinton

  6. Anonymous12:57 PM EST

    Bill 'Uncle Stoogie' Clinton

  7. Grover "Furry Little Monster" Cleveland

    Fred "Johnny Bonk Bonks" Thompson

  8. Ulysses "I'm on the 50 Dollar bill, bitches" S. Grant

    Chester "Check out them sideburns" A. Arthur

  9. Anonymous2:48 PM EST

    Earl "Seymour" Butz

    Earl "Loose Shoes" Butz

    Henry "DeTente" Kissinger

    "Connie the Shiv" Rice

    Ron "The Grecian" Reagan

    Richard "Quaker Dick" Nixon

    Dick "Johnny Trigger" Cheney

    John "Papa Prez" Adams

    John Quincy "Baby Prez" Adams

    -- Lamont "Mobster Nickname" Cranston

  10. I love "Mitt "I Quit" Romney"...classic!!

    This reminds me of Bill Hicks description of what happens to a newly elected president:

    you get escorted into a dark room filled with rich fat men puffing on cigars when one says, "roll the film." you then see the Kennedy assasination from a totally different angle...suspiciously looking like the grassy knoll). Film ends, man with cigar says, "Any questions?" "Uh...just what my agenda is..."

  11. On that note- Vantage Point is coming to a theatre near you! More conspiracy theories than a loony bin full of conspiracy theories.

  12. Anonymous10:52 AM EST

    Barack "Whitey" Obama

  13. Anonymous10:42 AM EST

    To sum up:

    You're a three-day slackah!
