Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Still more on Fidel Castro

So Fidel resigns. People are relieved.

For close to fifty years folks were in an uproar about Fidel's human rights violations and blah blah blah. Fidel was evil blah blah blah. He was keeping his people poor blah blah blah*.

Calm it down folks. Keep it in perspective.

He wasn't doing anything bad to white people or black people. He was just doing it to Cubans.

Damn stinkin' brown people! That speak funny! And drive 1957 Chevys! And play baseball. And make the cane of sugar.

And who cares about Cubans? They're gosh darn commies! ('gosh darn' in Cuban sounds like gibberish words...kinda like senor avec la flour bifteck)

*blah blah blah means I could go on and on and on about something but I really don't know what I'm talking about so by putting in blah blah blah it appears I have knowledge of the subject I'm writing about. Blah blah blah.


  1. Anonymous10:41 AM EST

    That Castro was a pussycat.

  2. He may have been a pussycat, but he was no Buddy Ebsen.

  3. Anonymous10:45 AM EST


  4. Anonymous10:52 AM EST

    I got nothing.

  5. Anonymous11:16 AM EST

    You got something against Cubans?

    Say hello to my little friend.

  6. Anonymous11:31 AM EST

    yadda yadda yadda

  7. Anonymous11:52 AM EST


  8. Anonymous11:53 AM EST

    Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!

  9. Nearly thirty years ago, when there was quite an influx of Cubans escaping to the USA, my sister briefly dated a Cuban named Hector. Nice guy. He and I got along pretty well.

    At the time, I was the lead singer in a locally-based rock band. My band was playing a local club, and in walked Hector with a couple of friends. I announced that we were dedicating the next song to Hector, and we began playing Tom Petty's "Refugee."


    Guess you had to be there...

  10. I can't believe you just made fun of the cane of sugar.

    That's almost blasphemous.

  11. Anonymous12:27 PM EST

    Dear blog readin' people,
    It's almost the end of February and I haven't read anything on this blog about Black Hiftory Monfh. Are you all racists? I'm just axing because it seems like you don't like Cubans either.

  12. I had a Cuban sandwich the other day. Just doesn't taste the same since Castro left.

  13. I want to drive a 1957 Chevy! I love baseball! I REALLY LOVE SUGAR! I SPEAK FUNNY! I'm slightly brown--more brown in the summer. Holy shit, I'm Cuban. Cool. I'll make a mint selling sweet cigars.

    A quote from Castro's brother kinda cracked me up: "Is there going to be a transition here toward something? Yes, toward a better form of socialism and-- here's something you'll like-- toward a more democratic society."

    "Here's something you'll like?" What a wisenheimer.

  14. Nice try, Sparkle, but you live in the Boston area, don't you? That makes you Irish. Sheesh.

    Sláinte! ::tips back the infrastructure::

  15. True, I'm Sparkle McPlenty anytime there's free beer. Yet offically I'm part-Welsh, part-"Spanish royalty," and part a whole bunch of other stuff (at least according to my cousin the genealogist). I plan to go to Spain and claim part of the throne--whichever part is more comfy--or at least part of a royal footstool.

  16. Did someone mention infrastrcture?

  17. Anonymous7:23 PM EST

    I work in a cubicle.
    Does that make me a Cuban?

    Or does it just make me pathetic?

  18. Anonymous9:35 PM EST

    Me, I'm liking old Fidel.
    Tinpot dictator, saviour of de people, whatever, it make no never mind. Dere's lots of whatever he is all over da place.

    Except for did guy, he's on the Offishul CIA Hit list for like 50 years. Most of the Presidents of the US who try to kill him, dey already dead demselfs.

    An' he says, fuckit. You know, I'm gonna cash in de old RRSP, enjoy a couple years in de sun, and kick it, just like a plain old worker.

    An' all you guys tryin' to drive Fidel from office, kill Fidel, whatever you try for all these years?

    Haw Haw Haw Haw Haw Haw bite me.

    I likes dat guy. He's got style, him.

    ~de left bank of de nort' countree

  19. I thought cubans owned basketball teams?
