Saturday, March 01, 2008

The greatest quote of the week!

I read all sorts of news items. Tons, in fact.

The following was in a New York newspaper today. It's great with or without the full story.


"I got pushed down and trampled, but instead of money, all I got were tomatoes," said a dejected 29-year-old homeless woman who gave her name as Christine.



  1. at least the tomatoes weren't thrown at her

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM EST

    ::throws tomato at Tex::

  3. Wow, if I were to be pushed down and trampled, I wouldn't expect to be getting any money, I'd expect that the person(s) pushing me down and trampling me were mugging me, which obviously means they'd be taking my money! And as far as those tomatoes go, it's a sad fact that muggers rarely leave fruits or vegetables as a consolation prize for the muggee, so Lord only knows what poor Christine was thinking!

  4. I doubt you really read TONS of news articles. What a fibber.

    Also, there was a split infinitive in your last post but I'm not telling you where.

  5. who the heck is jed and why is HE throwing tomatoes at ME???

    ::catches tomatoe, slices, dices, makes spaghetti::

  6. \\a split infinitive in your last post//

    IANO should be careful what he picks up

  7. Anonymous12:31 PM EST

    I actually lied about the split infinitive...I was just being vindictive.

    That dangling modifier, on the other hand...

  8. Whenever I get pushed down and trampled, I usually never get money nor tomatoes.

    "Christine" should count her blessings.

  9. "They pelted us with rocks and garbage."

  10. Dear Sparkle,

    Nicely played.

  11. Dear I Ain't No Oprah,

    Thank you!
