Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Maybe it ain't just Sparkle and Lois on The Dope



  1. Anonymous6:00 PM EDT

    I always knew coconuts were a gateway drug.

    -- Lamont "She WAS The Hot One" Cranston

  2. explains why Mary Ann was so happy all the time

  3. oh so NOWWWWW Im linked??? I'm protesting...I dont wanna be linked cos I whined...I wanna be linked by you, by you and nobody else but you. Poo poo pee do

    My rendition of Ginger's song she used to sing

  4. Dear Tex,

    You and lots of others are now linked cuz blogger has made it easier to do so.

    Before it was wicked difficult (not that difficult)and I didn't want to bother.

    Now it's just a click or two.

    Boop boop be do.

  5. Why you say I'm on the....oooh, my stapler is smiling at me. Pretty.

  6. Buttoning up Joe Friday cardigan and sucking all emotion out of voice and face: "At 69, Dawn Wells is on a slippery slope to Nowheresville. Sure, today it's all giggles. It's the dope, the pot, the wacky tobaccy, the 'jazz tea,' the Hula Hoop Happy Hippy Hoopla, the Mary Jane, the Alice B. Toklas. Tomorrow, that 70-year-old girl will be all goofballed up in some lowdown jim-jam honky-tonk and she won't even know her last name. Marijuana is the flame! Heroin is the fuse! LSD is the bomb!"

    I've watched too much Nick at Nite in my day.

    Aw, poor Dawn.

  7. she's probably still hotter than ginger at this point...

  8. Mary Ann got arrested for having Mary Jane. WoooooooooT.

  9. Always Maryann, never Ginger. Maryann was probably a blast to party with.
