Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Possibly Resting I. P.

No, no, no.....not Kinchloe from Hogan's Heroes. Though we'll give him an R.I.P. anyhow.

Today's blog is kinda sad as someone we all liked probably died today from botched surgery.

I'm just glad they didn't owe me money.

Very, very sad that you're probably dead.

You might be missed if you died.

If you survived....well, it's kinda like it was yesterday.

Only more rain.


  1. Your I.P. address is resting? Well do more stuff on the internet to wake it up.

  2. I suppose today's entry could have been made even more vague if you'd really tried.

    Who "probably" died?

    I hate being left out of these things. [makes "grrrr" sound, but doesn't write it]

  3. Check the links of the blogs on the right.

    One of those folks might have died due to the botched surgery they had.

    Ivan Dixon and unnamed blogger forever linked. And Arthur C. Clarke.

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM EDT

    Happiness is a Warm Operating Room

    The Ballad of The Johnnie and Oh No!

    With A Little Helps From My Meds

    The Fool On The Table

    Hey Qualude

    Wish I Was Back in a U. S. O. R.

  5. Stepping out of Blogger "character" for a bit, here... I thought you meant some celebrity. I read Cake's blog yesterday, saying she was going for surgery. Do you mean her?

  6. Yup.

    But if she/he died we'll start calling her/him by their real name.

  7. Okay, thanks. I'll be watching the blogs...

  8. Just got the news on the wire:

    Un-named faker didn't die.

  9. I'm resting in peace...well, resting on the couch and drugged up to peacefulness.

    And making the rounds of all the wonderful silly blogs from you folks...I owe you all popcorn brownies and infrastructure.

  10. Anonymous3:49 PM EDT

    Well, it appears Cake believes in a woman's right to choose.

    Please don't use abortion as a birth control.

  11. I don't think she had an abortion.

    Pretty sure it was just one of those tying of the stomach procedures.

  12. IANO, sorry if I was over-reacting earlier, but Cake only mentioned she was going for surgery, and didn't say whether or not it was of the life-threatening variety...

    Plus, I never have known when to take you seriously, especially on Blogger. Don't forget, 20+ years ago, when you called Cousin Saul's store (when I worked there) to tell us the Challenger had exploded, we considered the source of the news, and laughed. Then we turned on the radio...

    And, Cake? Gee, I'm so glad you're not dead!!!

  13. The Challenger really exploded??? I was just goofin' on you guys!

    (Cousin Saul and I love to be the first to call on a death or 9/11y thing)

    And I've only written two serious blogs. One on my Mom dying, one on the Red Sox winning the World Series.

    There is a third but it's part of a multi-part blog-a-palooza on my hatred of Hillary Clinton.

  14. Anonymous8:37 PM EDT

    Nous sommes hereux que Cake n'est pas mort.

  15. In other Hogan's Heroes-related news, Bob Crane fell down and crushed a building in New York...

  16. And the Double Award for 1) funniest comment and 2) worst pun goes to... [drumroll] CLINKY!!!
