Monday, March 10, 2008

What it feels like to stab a guy in the eyes.

It feels good. Real good. Brownies with walnuts good.

I was in a little village in Cambodia (or was it Laos?) when all of a sudden I just started stabbing myself in the left eye.

It felt good. Real good. Brownies with walnuts good.

So To Sum Up:

I'm using a new template on this blog and needed something to write. The new and improved I AINT NO OPRAH is no longer going to be Politically Correct. We're gonna call a spade a spade. And a Jew a Jew. And a Hillary a scum sucking whore bitch.

If needed.


  1. If you do that too often, you'll go blind ya know.


    No! Stabbing yourself in the eyes! God you people are sick.

  2. Anonymous3:53 PM EDT

    If you read the post, instead of skimming the post, you would have seen that he only stabbed himself in ONE eye.

  3. But when he finished stabbing that long would it be till he wanted to feel the good that would come from stabbing the OTHER eye? Hmmm??

  4. Anonymous4:05 PM EDT

    That many brownies is fattening.

  5. Anonymous4:10 PM EDT

    I'll take him shopping for some fat pants if he wants.

  6. Question is when were you ever politically correct? About as politically correct as brownies with walnuts. I'm spitting out the walnuts.

  7. Do you MIND? This is a nice clean shiny new template!

    ::sweeps up the walnuts and glares at redbeard76 in an attempt to seem fierce::

  8. I have no idea. I just put you back in.

    Quiet down, Sparky.

  9. ::sniff, sniff::

    New blog smell? No, that's not it.

    ::sniff, sniff::

    Teen spirit? No...


    Wait! I've got it! Freshly baked Snickerdoodles! Using Hillary Clinton's recipe!


    I hope you baked enough of that Democratic goodness for everyone, mister.

  10. \\HEY! How come I'm off the links list?//

    spakles, you're part of the missing link!!! im just out there in left field still

  11. Yay! I finally made the link list. I've made the big time; not to worry, I won't let it go to my head.

  12. Anonymous12:47 PM EDT

    I'm not linked at all. No, I don't have a blog, but jeepers, couldn't you just link to a dummy page in my honor?

    No, wait, I don't want to say dummy page. Hold that thought. I'll get back to you.

    -- Lamont "I'm Not A Blogger But I Play One In The Virtual World" Cranston

  13. IANO: All the other bloggers are gushing about your new template, so I wasn't going to, but... Well, it is kinda pretty.... *ahem* In a manly sort of way, of course!

    Sparkle: Hey, you'll always be on my link list, baby!

    Lamont: Awww, nobody links to you? Okay, I did. Least I could do for someone named after The Shadow.
