Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How do you like dem apples, Ted?

Well, it seems like Ted Kennedy is on the verge of meeting Mary Jo Kopechne in heaven.

Oh wait, my mistake....


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM EDT

    Maybe it's not a tumah!

  2. I hope they look more carefully at his brain and discover it's actually not a tumour but, instead, the remnants of an unborn sibling. That'd be pretty cool.

  3. It's actually a huge glob of mercury that he got while he spent the hours and hours in the water trying to save Mary Jo.

  4. Or maybe something like frog eggs and when they cut into his skull, all these little beasties will jump out, free at last, free at last!

  5. While I was at a diner eating breakfast, a young woman who'd just left the restaurant got hit by another car as she was leaving the parking lot. Sorry you guys missed it. You would have enjoyed it. *ahem*

    P.S. to Cake: You Canadians even put the "U" in "tumour" like you do with "flavour," "honour," "harbour," etc.? When you write a phrase like "feast or famine" do you spell "or" O-U-R?

  6. Mr. RantZ:

    Sometimes I get tired of making fun of myself, what can I say?

    We have an excess of "U"'s up here...want that I should send you a shipment?

  7. Dear Davidz Rantz,

    Bite my tumor sized middle finger.

  8. CAKE: Poor Cake. Everybody makes fun of you. Even you. Tell you what: Make fun of me, I can take it.

    IANO: Sorry, the only things I'm biting today are books.

    And is there any truth to the rumor (sorry, "rumour") that eating other people's tumours is good for you? Like, maybe there's lotsa protein or fiber in them?

    Sorry, gotta run. The kid next door won't stop screaming. I have to find my baseball bat...

  9. Dear David'Z:

    You spelled "fibre" wrong.

    ::points and laughs::

  10. Anonymous2:30 PM EDT

    Maybe the tumor is the GOOD kind of tumor?

  11. Gee, Cake, don't you mean I spelled it "wroung?"

    And if you're here, who the hell's sleeping on my couch?

  12. In Canada, that would be Mary Jou...

    And you'd be IANOU!!!

  13. Anonymous2:49 PM EDT

    Am not. I'm in your bathroom trying to get this damn water out of my ears.

  14. Anonymous5:10 PM EDT

    In a statement, President Bush said, “Ted Kennedy is a man of tremendous courage...”

    In a related story, Mary Jo said, "Bush just lied AGAIN!"

  15. Anonymous5:24 PM EDT

    I wish someone would dunk Hillary in a lake.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
