Saturday, June 14, 2008

I doubt they cut down the ones Hitler and Himmler carved up,2933,366467,00.html


  1. It just doesn't make sense that anyone would be so stupid as to...

    Wait a second. Where did this take place again?

    Ohhhhh. Now it makes sense.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous9:40 PM EDT

    Come with me, please...

    (What doofus commented just before me and made some stupid mistake that necessitated deleting their comment? They should come with me, too, ja.)

  4. I know who the doofus was, thanks to the "Follow-up comments will be sent to... " feature! I'll keep it a secret for a price. (I can be bribed with infrastructure.)

  5. I really like "Dirk Fuhrer." It'd make a good private eye name: "Dirk Fuhrer, private eye. NO! I'm NOT related to THAT fuhrer. No, I DON'T want your help dominating the world. Why don't you people all get a life?" Hangs up angrily.

  6. Anonymous10:43 AM EDT

    ::slips David'Z some infrastructure::

    ::prays the :: :: thing isn't a 'tell'::

  7. Doc Nazi:

    Thanksh, Doc. Yer shecret ish shafe with me. *hic*

    By the way, are you any relation to Captain Nazi? Freddy Freeman wantsh to know.

