Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Rich Little impersonation. :::applause:::

Who is Rich Little you ask?

Who is Rich Little?

Rich Little was a guy who did impressions back in the 70s and 80s. He might still.

Unless he's dead.

Back in the 1970s he was everywhere doing impressions.

If you knew Rich was gonna be a guest on a show you didn't normally watch you might tune in.

And now without further ado....My Rich Little impressions:

a) "I'm not a crook!" ::double peace signs, baggy jowls:::

b) "Well....let me set you straight, Pilgrim!" ::head cocked to one side::

c) "And t-t-t-his is a-a-a-abou-bou-bout my d-d-d-d-dog Bo." :::puzzled look::

d) "I wish my brother George was here" :::shows off imaginary gaudy rings on hand and sparkley jacket:::

And that my friends is all we have time for.

Pretty impressive huh?


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM EDT

    I went to the same high school as Rich Little...does that make me cool?

  2. Anonymous11:02 AM EDT

    Me too, me too!

  3. Anonymous11:03 AM EDT

    Me also! *dribbles*

  4. Anonymous11:17 AM EDT

    I find it very amusing that a retard had to google Rich Little to find out these facts.

  5. Anonymous11:26 AM EDT

    Or, and here's a novel idea, the so-called retard went to the same school!

  6. What if Rich Little did impressions of the Beatles?

    - All You Need is Love
    - Yellow Submarine
    - Norwegian Wood
    - Love Me Do
    - Ticket to Ride

    (No? Too lame? Ah well, YOU do better, then!)

  7. VERY impressive. Now, could you do an impression of Dave Coulier doing an impression of Jim Carrey doing an impression of Rich Little doing an impression of Kissinger?

    When I was in Las Vegas last fall, Rich Little was appearing nightly in the showroom of The Golden Nugget. And, he bombed kinda badly at last year's White House Correspondents' Dinner...

    To sum up: I know way too much about Rich Little.

  8. Dear Cake,

    Amazing! I thought I was listening to the actual Beatles.


  9. Anonymous2:24 PM EDT


  10. you're smelling new comic books too much or either your daisy dukes are on too tight

  11. I know little about Rich. ;-)

  12. Oh, he was also the Little Debbie snack cake spokesperson and did copmmercials for them for a while a few years back. And this retard did not have to Google jack squat for that little fact.

  13. Sparkle's right; he's still around. He's no Fred Travalena, but hey...

    Your impressions of Rich Little's impressions were pretty good, but your shoulders need to be more uneven when you do "B."

    He's no David Frye, either.
