Saturday, July 12, 2008

The volume on my radio goes up when one of these songs comes on.

Strange how that happens.


  1. GREAT CHOICES. It's, it's like all-time Casey Casem's Coast-to-Coast online!

    1) I think Alice's drummer ironed his hair.
    2) Bobby Darin was a cool customer.
    3) Too much else to praise. A solid line-up here.

    Goes off skipping, singing "C'mon, Eileen

  2. Anonymous12:52 PM EDT

    Take a letter, Maria

  3. Anonymous4:38 PM EDT

    1) Hmmm...okay, yeah, I agree.
    2) AGREED!
    3) Well, duh.
    4) HIT IT! (Also, duh.)
    5) Hmmm...I guess so.
    6) Absolutely!
    7) Yup. Waterproof makeup, too, dontcha know.
    8) I have a sense of deja vu...
    9) I've never seen that video. Nice!
    10) I wanna tell you a story...this is one of the many songs taking up space in my brain.
    11) Ditto. *dances*
    12) This is one of the few from this list that's not on my iPod...must fix that.
    13) Well, yeah...Elvis.

    You missed a lot of good ones but I suppose 13 freaking YouTube videos was enough. (My computer hates you right now.)

    Now, if you're excuse me, I have to go and fill in some gaps on iTunes...

  4. I didn't miss any.

    If you read the post it says the my radio gues up when ONE of these songs comes on.

    It's an electrical glitch.

    Or something.

  5. Anonymous8:28 PM EDT

    Yes, yes, we all love the Standells...

    but what, not even a single Beatles song?

    Or would "when two of these songs" be a dead giveaway?

    -- Lamont "YouTube Saved My Soul" Cranston

  6. I did put up a Beatles song...or so I thought.

    Maybe that's why there are two of the same Alice Cooper.

    One of those should have been Back In The USSR.
