Saturday, July 12, 2008

I especially like it around the 3:13 to 3:25 part.


  1. Posting of YouTube videos over 1 minute long will not be watched to the end of said video.

    I'm sobbing. I WANT to watch it from 3:13 to 3:25, yet I have been FORBIDDEN to do so.

  2. You are allowed to go on youtube yourself and watch as long as you want.

    It's forbidden on blogs to go over 45 seconds.

  3. But this video is longer than 45 seconds! How can I understand the full majesty of 3:13 to 3:25 out o' context?

    Plus, your blog rule says 1 minute for videos on blogs. I think 45 seconds is your dream rule.

    I take notes, always assuming there will be a quiz.

  4. Be a rebel...break the rules.

  5. Anonymous10:29 PM EDT

    Ya know...

    You CAN fast-forward on YouTube videos...

    -- Lamont "Technoagnostic" Cranston

  6. I loves me some Hot Chocolate...
