Monday, August 11, 2008

Someone is killing the great Mother 'effers!

As you all know, the death of Mother 'effers come in threes.

First it was Bernie Mac. A bad mother 'effer.

Then over the weekend Issac Hayes. They say that cat Issac was a bad mother 'effer....


Who is next?

Samuel L. Jackson perhaps?

Afterall, he spotted the Mother effin' snakes on the Mother 'effin plane.

Does that make him a bad mother 'effer?

What in fact makes one a bad Mother 'effer?

And why does being a bad Mother 'effer mean you gots to die this week?

I axe you...why?


  1. "As you all know, the death of Mother 'effers come in threes."

    So, if Hillary kicks it this week, does that make her a great Mother effer?

  2. Anonymous10:37 AM EDT


  3. Owning a nerd store and wearing a bow tie does not make you a bad mother 'effer. Unless you have a secret private detective agency in the basement of your store, where you keep a long, leather coat.

    Owning a private detective agency and wearing a long, leather coat makes you a bad mother 'effer.

    Also: If you get complaints from mothers that you are not effing them well in your Mother-'effing Suggestion Box, it means you're a bad Mother 'effer.

    ::::SHUT YOUR MOUTH*!:::::

    *That is so fun to do.

  4. Anonymous11:06 AM EDT

    Samuel L. Jackson actually has two bad Mother 'effer credentials -- even before "Snakes on a Plane", his wallet in "Pulp Fiction" (the one he ransoms back from Ringo) bears the sentiment "Bad Mother 'Effer" on it (fully spelled out.)

    But no, it will not be Samuel L. Jackson. The only person worthy of rounding out the Bernie/Isaac/??? trilogy is...

    Vanilla Ice.

    -- Lamont "Cranston Cranston Baby" Cranston

  5. Actually, I just figured out who's responsible for these deaths...from a news story:

    " Samuel L. Jackson, who recently filmed scenes with Isaac and the late Bernie Mac for a new movie called “Soul Men,..."

    Jackson's not going to be the next one to die...he killed them!!! Call the cops!

  6. Anonymous11:23 AM EDT

    The Mother 'effin cops?

  7. Eight Hayes A Week

    Bernie Mac Swell Silver Hammer

    (it's all I've got)

  8. Anonymous6:28 PM EDT

    I'm effin scared!
