Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A few rejected SNIPPETS from yesterday

ME: "Wow...you shaved off your sideburns, and so close to Halloween!"

BACON ACE: "They weren't a costume you know."

ME: "Oh."


DAVE CLARK FIVE FAN: "Hey look...he has a puzzle of the Beatles White Album."

DOLT: "What's the puzzle of?"

DCFF: "The Beatles White Album."

DOLT: "What is the picture of?"

DCFF: "The White Album."

DOLT: "I don't get it. That's stupid."


GAL: "Do you have V For Vendetta."

ME: "Yup, it's right here."

GAL: "Thank you." :::puts back on shelf::

ME: "Just curious why you put it right back on the shelf?"

GAL: "I was just testing you to see if you were a good shop."

ME: "Having V For Vendetta passes the test?"

GAL: "Yup."


BASEBALL OFFICIAL: "We should cancel this game because of the weather."

BUD SELIG (Retard): "Let's wait until the game gets tied up."


IDIOT: "I would like to apply for a liquor license."

CLERK: "What will your business be called?"

IDIOT: "Drunkenstein's."




  1. 1) Are you sure that was Bacon Ace and not his Evil Twin Vegetarian Brother, Carrot Ace?

    2) It's the White Album and not just A Snowstorm, correct? Just checking.

    3) My test for a good shop is whether they have the Beatles White Album puzzle.
    3a) Not really.

    4) The guy's first name is "Bud"...whattya expect?

    5) Best part of that story: "Perhaps the blood of the inculpable will cause a paradigm shift." Insanity crossed with bureaucratese! Perfect!

  2. 1) It was indeed me
    2) That was Suynday not yesterday Mr Fibber. It makes me question everything you write.

  3. I like the name of my bar if I ever own one

    My Own FN Bar

    genius, I know :)

  4. Dear Bacon (Asshole) Ace,

    If you notice the TITLE of today's post it explains all.

    They were REJECTED from YESTERDAY'S blog.

    Nice Costume.

  5. Anonymous3:58 PM EDT

    I think I might be smarter than my identical twin brother.

  6. Anonymous5:53 PM EDT


  7. Then it should have read "A few rejected SNIPPETS from yesterday's blog" not "yesterday".

    I'm going to need a ruling here. We have a few editors on hand don't we?
