Saturday, November 15, 2008

Review of the New James Bond Movie

CLINKY: "Excuse me , Sir? Could you please put your cell phone away."

SIR: "It's not bothering anyone."


SIR: :::puts cell phone away:::


So To Sum Up

Quantum of Silence


  1. Well, it was quite rude of you to use your cell in the theatre, IANO...I'm glad Clinky was there to set you right.

  2. I'm getting a kick out of Clinky being an angry black man with dreadlocks.

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM EST

    He isn't actually an angry black man with dreadlocks!?

  4. Anonymous1:21 PM EST

    I can't wait for Saul's review!!

  5. I thought Clinky was the gal with the afro?!

    (If so, I'd need to have a word w/him if he sat in front of me...)

  6. I thought you'd write about this (I'm not as good as IANO about getting the dialogue exactly right, but this is close enough):

    ::IANO, Clinky, Horroru, Mark standing in a circle, away from the crowd::

    GROUP OF GIRLS: "Are you standing in line?"

    ::IANO stands there and laughs at them incredulously::

    CLINKY, MARK, HORRORU: "No, nope."

    IANO: "How could they think we were in line? We in no way resemble a line!"

    HORRORU: "They remind me of the scene in Raising Arizona where John Goodman and his brother go into the store."

    ::Goodman's brother picks up a bag of balloons::
    "Do these balloons blow up into funny shapes?"
    STORE CLERK: "If you think round is funny."
