Monday, January 12, 2009

Gone Sea Kittenin' ! Will return soon.

I'm lying.

I was just dying to say that I've gone sea kittening*.

So I'm actually here.

Not sea kittening.

So in fact the sign on my shoppe door should read:

Here. Not Sea Kittening.

*see Sunday's blog on PETA and Sea Kittens.


  1. Kivvers, Trouts, Hornpouts,
    Kittens here we come

  2. This reminds me. On Saturday, we had people over for lunch and I made sea kitten steaks marinated in lemon and orange juice. It was delicious. And I have leftovers for lunch today. YUM!

  3. minus 10 points for having a cute kitten photo on your blog.

  4. MulderJoe: Just imagine the kitten dipped in butter with a parsley garnish. Then you'll feel better.

  5. Dear MulderJoe,

    Cute kittens?? Are you blind?

    They're sea kittens and they're about to kill their own.

    Cute? I think not.

  6. Ohh brave of you to put your own art up on your blog! And this one's even nicer than the dancing hamster one, too.

  7. I wonder if Legal Seafood will change their name to Legal Sea Kittens (which would also be a great name for a porno mag)....

  8. You should have gone, I've heard the ice sea kittenin' is great this year.
