Monday, January 19, 2009

Only one more day...

...until Obama's approval rating starts going down!

Which is crazy because tomorrow two wars end, the economy will be fixed, Gitmo gets closed, Earth starts cooling again.


  1. Anonymous11:46 AM EST

    why don't we wait until a day or two after then before we start judging the friggin guy?

  2. The earth is cold enough as it is. I hate this guy already!

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM EST

    No prob. In 4-8 years, he'll pay me sweet money to write a flattering article about his legacy. And maybe something cuddly about how he likes to go, "Whoot, there it is! Hoops Genius!" when he sinks a three-point shot.

    Hey! Is my last name a typo, or what?

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM EST

    Hey, stop making fun of me...I have feelings too, you know.

    *finds a piece of the border on his latest puzzle*


  5. Anonymous12:51 PM EST

    You will NEVER see a picture of me without my shirt. I have too much dignity.

    Or c-cup man-boobs.

    One or the other.

  6. Anonymous3:00 PM EST

    "His approval rating is sky high. As high as it ever will be. It's just a fact."

    only if you can predict the future
