Thursday, January 01, 2009

Snippets from the New Year's Eve party

So The Brit and The Brit Hubby held a great New Year's Eve party last night.

Here are a few snippets of conversation with Wifey and or The Brit.


ME: "So if I start acting like an asshole or creepy or anything please let me know and I'll stop."

WIFEY: "Well I'm not just going to say it out loud in front of everyone...come up with a signal."

ME: "A signal to tell me when I'm being an asshole or creepy?"

WIFEY: "Yes."

ME: "How about :::secret signal::: this?"

WIFEY: "Fine."


ME: "You know...if you were ten years younger I'd be all over you."

THE BRIT: "You're such an asshole."


ME: "You know...if you were ten pounds lighter I'd be all over you."

THE BRIT: "You're such an asshole."


ME: "That was smart of you not to clean your house before the's just going to get messed up."

THE BRIT: "You're such an asshole."


ME: "You look good finally letting the gray show up in your hair."

THE BRIT: "You're such an asshole."


ME: "That's very smart of you not putting the food right out....cuz folks will be really appreciate it more when you do."

THE BRIT: "You're such an asshole."


ME: "Is it okay if I take pictures during the party?"

THE BRIT: "Now you're being creepy."



I never got The Signal from Wifey so I was neither creepy or an asshole.


  1. Wouldn't it just be simpler for Wifey to come up with a signal for if you somehow managed to not be an asshole or creepy?
