Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I might have just solved the banking "crisis"

So this morning I stop by the bank (of America) and get some pennies, dimes, dollar bills, and some quarters.

The gal forks over my coin (cool how I said 'forks over my coin',huh?) and I look at the rolls of quarters.

ME: "Are you sure there is ten dollars in here?"

HER: " can compare them to these ::shows other rolls::"

ME: " big deal."
So I get to my car and crack open the 1/4 Georges (cool how I said 1/4 Georges, huh?)

And I count said coins.

There was only $9.00 in my ten dollar roll of coins.

So I brought them back in and the gal said she just bought $800.00 worth of quarters from someone. Do the math. Bank of America lost $80.00 on that one single transaction. (She replaced my $9 rolls with $10 rolls)

And that my friends is how the banking "crisis" happened.

But now that it's solved.. go buy a new car and get the economy going again.

(It would have been cool if I had worked the phrase 'Snap Daddy' into this post but I didn't see where it would have fit. Oh well...)


  1. ME: "Are you sure there is ten dollars in here?"

    HER: "Sure thing, Snap can compare them to these ::shows other rolls::"

    ME: " big deal, my little seakitten."

    You are welcome. No charge. This time.

  2. I brought $300 in rolled coins to the bank last summer...the teller counted each one right in front of me (they were all correct).

    So to sum up:

    Canadians are smahtah than Americans. Cool daddio! *snaps fingers*

  3. Wow...two hours and nobody has disagreed with me.


  4. Anonymous1:59 PM EDT

    Fixing a Nine Dollar Roll

  5. I certainly don't disagree with you.

  6. "When an owl comes to a mouse picnic, it's not there for the sack races."

  7. Anonymous3:13 PM EDT

    Penny Lane

  8. Anonymous6:38 PM EDT

    Lady Mah Dollar
