Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jiffy Lube Weasels

The oil change.

Oh, how we all dread it.

It weighs us down.

We know what is coming.

The horror.

We put it off for a few days and then finally just go take our lumps.

This time will be different you think.

They'll just change my oil for the price posted and you'll be on your merry way.

But it never happens.

Your air filter is dirty.

A bulb is out.

The upgraded oil is suggested.

New wiper blades?

Need your tires rotated?

And on and on it goes.

"I don't have enough money today...maybe next time. Thank you!"

You pay and drive away. And for 5 or 10 minutes you actually worry that maybe you should have had Jiffy Lube rotate your tires.

Or something.

And the negative fades to black...and you're relaxed.

Your oil has been changed.

You don't have to deal with these weasels for another 7000 miles or so (they suggest every 3000 miles, your owners manual on your car most likely suggests every 7500 miles)


"Would you like a copy of Watchmen with your comic purchase today?"


  1. Anonymous11:19 AM EDT

    "maybe you should have had Jiffy Lube rotate your tires."


  2. So to sum up:

    Not having a car is the best superpower!

  3. Anonymous1:04 PM EDT


  4. It never fails everytime I take my car in for an oil changed something terrible goes wrong. I know their effing with my car because I didn't upgrade the oil.
    It's a '95 corolla and you don't have magic oil it's going to die eventually just leave it be.

  5. The local mechanic who fixes my car also changes the oil --$24.95 and no pimply faced kid telling me I need to "flush my engine", "change my steering column" or "steamclean my hubcaps."

  6. Are we supposed to buy new copies of Watchmen every 6,000 miles too?

  7. Actually Lois. In the last 18 months I have.

  8. Everytime you change the oil in your car you should get a new copy of Watchmen.

    And change the batteries in your smoke detectors.

  9. All this talk of oil is making me hungry...I think I'll have french fries with supper.

  10. Anonymous2:44 PM EDT

    Get Black

    Hey Lube

    Eleanor OilRigby

    Oil Things Must Pass

    When I'm 10/30

  11. Jiffy Lube is also the reference term for the Silk Spectre in Rorschach’s journal.

  12. Ha! Maddog wins my vote for comment of the day.

  13. Anonymous7:59 PM EDT

    This is absolutely correct! Chopsocky Portmanteau (aka Maddog) rocked the house.
