Friday, March 06, 2009

The Saul/Blonde Conundrum

So yesterday afternoon Cousin Saul makes fun of this blog because it's been stupid lately and he wants more politics (Obama bashing)

And then last night The Blonde tells me nobody comments on the blog anymore because it's too political (I've been bashing Obama too much...though it seemed fine when it was Bush) and that I should blog more about Wifey and stuff.

So what should I do?

I know...I'll have a fake conversation between Saul and The Blonde and settle this matter.

Clever, huh?

SAUL: "Obama is spending money like a drunken sailor!"

THE BLONDE: "I think I'll spend my money on that Chicken Parmigiana!"

SAUL: "If Obama gets his way we won't have any chickens left to pour parmigiana over them!"

THE BLONDE: "We should share our Chicken Parmigiana with those less fortunate!"

SAUL: "But we shouldn't be FORCED into doing so!"

THE BLONDE: "But people will starve! They're out of work!"

SAUL: "If they learned to speak English maybe they could get a job and they wouldn't have to eat my Chicken Parmigiana!"

THE BLONDE: "There is plenty of Chicken Parmigiana to go around!"

SAUL: "That's not the point! I want to have so much Chicken Parmigiana that I can't move!"


I AIN'T NO OPRAH: "This bit is going nowhere! I'll blog about whatever the heck I wanna blog about! If Saul wants to blog about Obama and his spend happy ways then by all means blog about it....and The Blonde, your hair looked awesome last night"



ME: "What do you want to watch on TV?"

WIFEY: "I don't care...whatever you want"


  1. I decree that today is Chicken Parmigiana Day! A chicken parm in every potbelly!

    P.S. Obama is spending money like a drunken sailor? He's getting tattoos and hanging out with waterfront floozies? And the liberal media isn't reporting this? SHAME!!!!
    P.P.S. I really want some chicken parmigiana now.

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM EST

    I wish you did more blogs about Cousin Saul!

  3. I wish you did more blogs about Cousin Saul and his Eisner Award-winning store!

    (Plus: I'd pay Obama drunken sailor coin for an "IANO Siskel and Saul Ebert At the Movies" exchange. Those are always great.)

  4. Does Cousin Saul have a good recipe for chicken parm? What does he think would be the best movie to watch while eating chicken parm?

    The world wants to know!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous12:09 PM EST

    IANO: "That movie was great!"

    SAUL: "That movie was horrible."

  6. Best movie to watch while eating chicken parm...


    (Except maybe during the horse head scene.)

  7. Anonymous12:24 PM EST

    I love horse parmigiana!

  8. I like the blog just the way it is.

    And, as a Canadian and an honoured visitor to these American territories (or something), you should respect my word.

    ::looks sternly at Saul and The Blonde::

  9. p.s.
    Saul: Are you going to see Watchmen? I think maybe you should do a review on your eBay blog...since, you know, you haven't done anything else there since DECEMBER 26th.

  10. Anonymous1:49 PM EST

    Mini-movie review:
    Two weeks ago, a group of friends, including my version of Wifey, got together and watched "The Secret Life of Bees." Here's my review:
    Dakota Fanning was terrific (as usual) In my opinion, she's one of the most talented young actresses in the business. Queen Latifah was surprisingly good as the loving and kind "motherly character". As an actress, Alicia Keyes is a very good singer. Jennifer Hudson (former American Idol contestant turned Academy Award Winning Actress) was okay as a mid-50s maid in the racist deep-south. The other female lead played a whack-job sister...I'm not familiar with her previous acting work so I don't know if she was good or not. Perhaps she's really nuts, so that would mean she's not really acting...I just don't know. Overall, it was a good movie, although I'm still a bit upset because my version of Wifey had told me that Queen Latifah was gonna get killed by crazy killer bees...that's why I agreed to watch it.

  11. That might be my most favourite movie review yet!

  12. Anonymous2:16 PM EST

    Do you ever see man-movies, Saul?

  13. Anonymous2:29 PM EST

    Yeah...I see the "man-movies"...I just don't review many of them. I'm addicted to vintage TV shows on DVD (knowing full-well that most of them are terrible...except for Columbo.)

  14. Anonymous2:43 PM EST

    Saul's a huge Gilligan's Island fan -- he has his own Gilligan costume and all.

  15. Anonymous3:57 PM EST

    Oh...I almost forgot...Just one more thing, Danno: You suck! You and your "Oh, I'm so high and mighty. Look at me! I work at the 5-0 in Hawaii--"



    Oh. Forget it.

  16. Anonymous4:08 PM EST

    ::rolls eyes:: It must be tough being the only rethuglican in the People's Republic of Massachusetts.

  17. 1. I met the Skipper and ate at his restaurant. And none of you did, I'll bet.

    2. There's a Republican who lives in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, a few towns away from me. I've actually met him. His name's Joe.

  18. 3. I had a three-entree special at an Italian restaurant yesterday, no chicken parmigiana, but I did have chicken marsala.

  19. 4. I made Spam parmigiana once, after getting the idea from an episode of M*A*SH. Didn't suck.

  20. What If the Beatles sang about chicken parmigiana?

    1) And Your Chicken Can't Sing ('cause somebody made chicken parmigiana out of him)
    2) .... [crap]

    (Okay, so that wasn't such a great idea... )

  21. Psstttt...Silver forgot your meds again!

  22. you said Bush. heh

  23. Anonymous4:29 PM EDT

    Here's a link to Cousin Saul's movie-review trailer for The Secret Life of Bees:

  24. Anonymous10:24 PM EDT

    If only we could read a review of Watchmen as written by an Eisner Award Winner...
