Tuesday, July 14, 2009

But Mom...!

ME: "I don't want to blog today."

MOM: "But you have to."

ME: "Why?"

MOM: "Because I said so...that's why."

ME: "But Mom..."

MOM: "Steven! I said you are going to blog and YOU ARE GOING TO BLOG."

ME: "But Mom..."

MOM: "Don't get fresh me young man..."

ME: "But Mom....!"

MOM: "Don't 'But Mom' me Mister Sassy Pants."

ME: "But Mom...!" (If you don't know where this is going by now you're kinda stupid)

MOM: "Go to your room and think about what you're doing."

ME: "But Mom..."

MOM: "Steven....GO!"

ME: "But Mom...you're dead, you can't tell me what to do."

MOM: "Just go do your blog."

ME: "Okay."

MOM: "That's better."


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM EDT

    And tell your friends to put down that toilet seat.

  2. dead mother1:26 PM EDT

    Why are they holding toilet seats?

  3. Sassy pants? Isn't that a euphemism for Capri pants?

  4. What color are your sassy pants? Do they match your Crocs?

  5. They're plaid sassy pants...the latest rage.

  6. Crocs and plaid sassy pants? Now THAT'S an "outfit."

    (By the way, IANO, I did a kinda/sorta tribute to your old "outfit" blog post in one of my Silver Fox stories...)
