If you're like me, you spend a lot of time thinking of morphing celebrities into animals...well, since we can't do that online maybe we'll just morph their names and stuff.
1. Jennifer Antelopez
2. Camel Gibson
3. Rhinoah Wylie
4. ManaMR.T
5. Penguin Stefani
6. I can't think of anything for #6.
7. Anacondaleeza Rice
8. Fernando Llamas
9. Alicia Donkeys
10. Hall & Goates
and extra bonus points for having TWO celebrities inside one animal...
11. Clint Eastwoodchucknorris
Whatcha got?
Angelina Pony
Al Poochino
Steven Spielbird
Muhammad Alion
Alice Bee Davis
Melena Kangarooedes
Benny AntHill
Pat Baboone
George Raccloney
David Duckhovny and
Gillian Anterson
Ronnie WoodPecker
Bill Wymanta-ray
Matt Damongoose
Johnny ORCArson
Geese Witherspoon
Simon Pigg
Anntelope Paquin
Hugh Jackelope
Marilyn Mongoose
Damn, just can't get two celebrities inside one animal. Maybe I'll have better luck gator on in the day...
Heavy Helen???
If Stones are allowed, I submit Mick Jaguar.
I simply cannot think of an animal name for infamous Bond girl, Heavy Helen. Damn!
Dean Pine-Martin
Marlon Brandoe
Salamander Rushdie
Melissa Ostridge (does spelling count?)
Ellen DeerGeneris (I think I'm on a lesbian theme here)
Hornette Funicello
Benito Mooseolini
Brad Pittbull....
Merv Gryphon
Rosanne Barracuda
Natalie Woody Woodpecker
Sylvester Stallione
Little Lord Elephantleroy
Newt Rockne
D'Weasel Zappa
Salmon Hayek
Courtney Love"Bird" Parker
Basil Rathbonefish
George BushBaby Face Nelson
Emu Phillips
Bugs Bun E. Carlos
Ah...d'you remember The Honeymakers, with Jackie Geeson and Art Carnivore? Humor greatness!
Wow. You guys are GOOD.
George Bushbaby
John Lemming (that's a stretch, sorry Lennon fans)
Cindy Crawfish
Catherine Zebra Jones
Stephen King Cobra
(and I'm officially out.)
Stephen Colbear
Can we ever forget the forbidden love of Elizardbeth Taylor and Eddie Fishercat? Fishercat divorced Debbeast Reynolds to marry Elizardbeth, and then, of course, moved on to Conniestrictor Stevens...
Man, Hollywood is such a jungle...
Mickey Mouse
Bugs Bunny
Pugsley the Kid from the Addams Family
Elvis Horseley
Kitty McSnatch
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