Over the years the James Bond GIrls have had some classic if not inspired names: Plenty O'Toole, Mary Goodnight, Holly Goodhead, and of course Pussy Galore.
Here's some that just kinda sucked and were rejected:
1. Eileen Wennadrink
2. Ida Kindadum
3. Kenya Riley Seymour
4. Milky Whitethighs
5. Eclipse Couponz
6. Anita Moorepie
7. Gorgeous Fawn Budder
8. Wanda Pazmedagravy
9. Lotta Cellulite
10. Plenty O'Drool
I'm sure there is more...
These chicks were a no-go right from the start...
Hally Tosys
Lilly Le Prosy
Heavy Helen
Bertha "Big Foot" Smith
Adolfa Hitler
Greta Ballzoffire
Anna Thatsaspicymeatball
Jackie Eye-Eeeioh
and for the local Boston crowd...
Parker Cahinhahvardyahd
Heavy Helen????
See what you did, Anonymous? You were mean about my lame entries and now everyone else is afraid to post.
I'm just getting warmed up here. Stretching the muscles. And, while Anonymous's "assholeway" was splendidly succinct and earned him a spot in the Nooprah Hall o' Loser Fame, ain't seen much else out of his royal non-entitiness so far. No doubt, too busy porking Heavy Helen.
Whiny Chattalot
Bitsy Toothysuck
Brawny o' Brokeback
Contessa SuStinkee Von Nasty Nooks
Coco Clingonyou
Tammy Faye Baker
Carlotta Havea Meaty-Cankles
Needina Hi-Maintainz
"The Magical Poof"! What the hell does he pull out of his hat?!
Certainly not Heavy Helen, that's for sure...she'd never fit.
If, somehow, these names end up posting twice, please forgive me, all. And, hope you have great weekends.
Ivana Nagallatima
Sandy Innabed
Mary Mequick
Squeaky Commer
Ida Likka-Ring
Iva Gottaheadache
Sadie U. Thinkilookfat
Oops. I just assumed that "The Magical Poof" expresses "his" joyful brokeback mountain-tude with "his" flair-filled stage name. Poof goes that theory. Ah...Shows once again that when I assume, I make an ass out of u and me. Er, just me, actually. Poof! Watch how I make my embarrassment disappear!
Somewhere, the Magical Poof's ears are burning.
At least I assume they are.
Whoops, now I'm an ass too. ::grinning::
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