Thursday, March 23, 2006

The DaVinci Cold..............(and the cure)

1. Stop.

2. Kissing.

3. DaVinci.


  1. Flu can't tell me what to do!

  2. And, anyways, DaVinci's charms are just so damned infectious. Especially the way he keeps coughing up inventions and art...

  3. Four Little Known Facts About Da Vinci

    1) He invented the idiomatic expression "YOU DA MAN!" The phrase is derived from the morning pep talk he gave himself as he looked in the mirror. "WHO DA VINCI? YOU DA VINCI!"
    2) He created a prototype of Vincent Price long before Price was born or even conceived.
    3) He haunts Ron Popeil. Yet, he withholds his best ideas from Popeil.
    4) Though dead, he believes that he could beat Leonardo DiCaprio in a cage match. He likes to call DiCaprio a "puffy little girl-baby," and uses rude italian gestures to describe his cage match strategy.

  4. Another cure for the DaVinci Cold:

    Drink plenty of liquids at the Last Supper.

  5. Is the Disciple Robe-itussin good for the cough and sore throat that accompanies the DaVinci Cold? Do you crack the code to starve the fever? Do you mona with the fever?

    Man, this one is painful for me. I just suck at this one.

  6. Don't forget that the DaVinci cold doesn't just come with a sore throat.

    It comes with leonaryngitis, too.

    Ouch. I'm mona'ing with pain, myself, here...

  7. Naw, your royal cakeyness. That was a work of art. Leonaryngitis! You would have medaled on that one, except nooprah is using that skeevy french figure skating judge. Again.

  8. I was a little worried that Nooprah was the skeevy french skating judge - it's hard to tell from the picture of the eyes in the profile. Phew!

  9. I didn't actually expect anything from this post...I just liked the sound of The DaVinci Cold.

  10. Ya mean I wasn't supposed to try to make a silk post out of a soused sneer?

    Me, I like the Da Vinci Cod. With some lemon parsley potatoes and a garlic vegetable.

  11. This whole exchange has been DaVinci Odd, if you ask me...

  12. Very DaVinci Odd, except for the part about DaVinci thinking he can beat DiCaprio in a cage match. That is very, very Truthy.

  13. That was absolutely DiVine and DeLovely, Phil Donahue's Niece!

  14. Anonymous6:47 PM EST

    Ya know Sparkle, I've read Ron Popiel's autobiography. And I saw the man speak at a conference once. (Yes, I lead an exciting life. I know, you wish you were me.)

    I sensed there was something troubling the man and now I know what it is. I can imagine him lying awake nights trying to figure out ways to market the DaVinci-O-Matic.

    "It slices, it dices, it paints great works of art. Order now and get a free, a free.....Damn you Leonardo!!!!!"

  15. Anonymous10:25 PM EST

    If this response shows up twice, it's not my fault or my developmentally delayed computer's fault. It's Bush's fault.

    Anyway, I'm not going to get the DaVinci Cold-he liked boys (not a word from you nooprah, as tempting as it may be)

    I'm far more likely to get the Vermeer Virus or the Raphael Rash

  16. Anonymous12:27 AM EST

    DaVinci is a dish best served cold...
