Sunday, May 07, 2006

Walk For Hunger

I think today is National Walk For Hunger Day or something. Here's a clue...stop walking and maybe, just maybe you won't be so hungry. Losers.

And what about the folks around the world that are starving? I don't think starving is what they need to worry about. What they need to worry about is how stupid they are. Here's a clue...if you're starving go on down to the supermarket and buy some food. There aint a shortage of food....the aisles are just crammed with food. Anything you's right there on the shelf.

If you give a man a fish he'll eat for a day, teach him to fish and he'll eat fish every stinkin' day of his life, teach a man where the supermarket is and he'll be able to eat whatever he wants when he wants. Mmmmm pancakes.....

Starving people=stupid people.


  1. Let them eat cake!

  2. i just finished the walk for hunger. i can't feel my legs.

  3. And all those sick people...god, just listening to them complain; it makes me sick! Get better already!
