Saturday, June 17, 2006

The 45 Second Rule

The 45 second rule:

Get to the point in 45 seconds or less or most people just zone out. Never EVER is the 45 second rule more important than when someone starts telling you about a dream they had. After 45 seconds in a dream retelling, the dream becomes wicked surreal...people sprouting wings, talking animals, unicorns in fields of clover, vats of pudding, and it doesn't even make any sense to the person that had the dream. I also have a theory that after 45 seconds that the people who had the dream start making up details of their dream to make it sound cooler than it was.

With all that being said here is my dream I had the other night. (If I go over 45 seconds go do something else.


I get home from work and walk into my living room and who is standing there telling stories with a semicircle of children at his feet? You guessed it....Adolf Hitler! He's older, a bit gray at the temples,bigger than one would have thought, wearing a silk smoking jacket, a dapper looking ascot, and slippers. Every so often he throws his head back and lets out a hearty laugh! I overhear him say "We we're at war...I had no choice"

I rush to my home office and take out my first edition of Mein Kampf and ask if he'll sign it for me and he does.


And that was the my first ever Hitler dream. Really. How cool would it have been if he had sprouted wings and flew into a vat of pudding?


  1. What color were Hitler's slippers? Did he go with good ole red/black/white? Or did he mix it up, toss in some pink?

  2. Anonymous11:28 AM EDT

    Last night I dreamed I went to this guy's house and told stories in his living room and he offered me a vat of pudding for dinner.

  3. Those last two comments took over 45 seconds and I zoned out.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

  4. Anonymous1:21 PM EDT

    I zone out in far less than 45 seconds when anyone begins a sentence with "I had this dream last night..."

    Although my sister did once have a dream that she won a trip around the world with the Three Stooges. That was a Classic.

  5. Anonymous8:47 PM EDT

    It is now Sunday June 18th at 5:43 PM a bazillion seconds have gone by since you first posted the 45 second rule......ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    Captain I belive you broke the rule!
