Monday, June 19, 2006

::in that creepy voice the kid in the SHINING used:::RED RING

Back when I was a teenager I lived in this apartment complex with a nice swimming pool. Spent most of each summer just hangin' out at the pool, swimming, reading, and whatever else one might do at a pool.

One day the lifeguard informed all of the tenants and people at the pool that beginning that week they would now be putting a chemical in the pool that would detect urine and that if anyone should pee in the pool a bright red ring would encircle them. There were tons of kids that swam in that pool so it was a relief to me and Hoag and all of my friends that these little kids would stop peeing in the pool or we would at least know who was doing it and could ridicule them into stopping. That summer and future summers went on without anyone ever peeing in that pool.


HOAG: "Hey, remember that chemical they put in the pool that would put a red ring around someone if they peed in the pool?"

ME: "Yeah?"

HOAG: "It never worked"


  1. we got the brand name story at our daycamp.

    there was always "wee wee see" in the pool, and the ring was supposed to be purple.

    that particular "product" may not have worked, but for some reason, they could always tell when i took a dump in the pool.

  2. Forget peeing...I'm surprised neither of you did tried that disgusting trick where you drop an O'Henry bar in the pool.

  3. He probably pees in pools.

  4. ...from the diving board

  5. I think you did that. Once.

  6. When I was a kid there was a sign at the pool:

    "Welcome to our Ool.
    Notice that there is
    no P in it.
    Please try to keep it
    that way."

  7. Anonymous5:21 PM EDT

    "It's kill or be kicked."

  8. The kind of douchebag who pees off the diving board... I thought we established that earlier today.

  9. Anonymous9:54 PM EDT

    You know how people have those signs that say "I don't swim in your toilet so don't pee in my pool? Or something like that.

    Clever. Because I know so many people who've said to me "Man, that toilet looks so inviting. I just want to take one quick dip. Do you think anyone would notice?"
