Thursday, September 28, 2006

Health Care

I'm self-employed. I choose to pay for my own health insurance and it costs me $14,000.00 a year for me, Wifey, and two kids.

Now over the course of said year we might go to the doctor or hospital a few times a year and maybe burn up say $2000.00 a year in actual services. So at end of the year I show a net loss of roughly $12,000.00 a year on health care.

Still awake?

What I'm hoping for is someone in my family (not me) gets some wicked rare illness...maybe a year long coma....some long term treatable know...something that will cost a TON of money that my health care will cover.

Just ONCE I want to be ahead of them by a hundred grand or two.


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM EDT

    OH NO YOU DON'T! TRUST ME! I would have much rather payed for those two and a half years.

  2. Anonymous11:04 AM EDT

    The 14g a year I mean.

  3. Anonymous11:06 AM EDT

    comas = good times

  4. You offer paid healthcare? Cool!

    Can I have a job application please? I'm a real go-getter!

  5. ( know I'm kidding, correct? I feel crappy. It's probably Hoagy's fault)

  6. Anonymous11:22 AM EDT

    Guess what?
    Your prayers are answered.

    See that thing on your balls...

  7. My car has been broken into so many times that for the first five years of ownership, I was ahead of the game in insurance. I had paid about $13K to the insurance company, and they had paid for abuot $15K in repairs.

    Then I finally got an alarm installed...Now nobody tries to steal my car, and I'm pissed that I have to pay insurance...

  8. On a lighter note...I just noticed we have bacon and spuds on this blog now.

    All we need now are some eggs (I said EGGS, btw, Bacon Ace) and toast and we'll have the fixings for a nice breakfast.

  9. Anonymous11:29 AM EDT

    yeah I know you, no problem, don't feel bad. You Know I've got thick potatoe skin. :)

  10. Hey Spud,
    You should probably get that skin checked out. It didn't look so good last time I saw you...

  11. "If we had ham, we could have ham and eggs, if we had eggs."

  12. And that's why x-ray vision is the best superpower.

  13. Anonymous2:27 PM EDT

    "You Know I've got thick potatoe skin. :)"


    Potato with an "e" on the end? Is Spud Dan Quayle?

  14. So, I'm curious about what kind of blog god, I click on the lord's name (not clicking it in vain, mind you), and I end up on Bruce Springsteen's Web site. Who knew god was Bruce Springsteen (god, I guess)?

  15. Anonymous4:00 PM EDT

    New Jersey has been telling us this all along.

  16. Anonymous4:42 PM EDT

    cann wee pleaze stopp with correcting spelllling arrors? its the internet...weeee kan spelll how wever weeee want.

  17. Anonymous5:08 PM EDT

    Thang Que Spell Boy! Ist hrad tyrign toe etdti tehes lbosgs adn sned tehm bfeoer teh bsos ctacehs me

  18. Oh my god, Spud's last entry just gave me an instant headache...

  19. Thank you spud....

    I'm opposed to spelling corrections.

    I'll just take an order of French Toast please...I may not be in the mood to eat it, but at least I can SPELL it.

    Tough crowd!

  20. Anonymous9:23 AM EDT

    Oh fer chrissake. It was a Dan Quayle joke more than a spelling correction. I don't give a good god damn how you spell.
