Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Dolphin Lestat

If you've been reading this blog you've heard about the finding of Dolphins with mutated little legs (true) how they will soon be walking among us surface dwellers.

We decided to have an interview with a dolphin (just to see what they're all about)

IANO: "We'll start with some very general questions....Beatles or the Stones?"

DOLPHIN: "B-eeeeeeee-tles"

IANO: Who is your favorite Rolling Stone?"

DOLPHIN: "Ronni-eeeeeeeeeee or K-eeeeeeeeee-th"

IANO: "Who is your favorite blogger?"

DOLPHIN: "Clink-eeeeeeeeeeeee"

IANO: "If you were President of the United States what city would you most like to bomb?"

DOLPHIN: "Par-eeeeeeeeeee!"

IANO: "What is your favorite candy?"

DOLPHIN: "R-eeeeeeeee-c-eeeeeeeee Cups"

IANO: "What baseball team sucks?"

DOLPHIN: "Yank-eeeeeeeeeeeeee-s"

IANO: "Favorite color?"

DOLPHIN: "Gr-eeeeeeeeeeeeee-n"

IANO: "Favorite Classic TV show?"

DOLPHIN: "The Cos-b-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Show"

IANO: "Who would you most like to hang out with?"

DOLPHIN: "Hoag-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

IANO: "Any thoughts on this weeks election?"

DOLPHIN: "I'm still in a state of shock that the Dems won both the House and the Senate."


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM EST

    He didn't on porpoise.

  2. Anonymous12:01 PM EST

    DOLPHIN: "I'm still in a state of shock that the Dems won both the House and the Senate."

    This is proof that humans are smarter than dolphins.

    -- Lamont Cranston

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM EST

    Hoag: Cute or Beast?

    DOLPHIN: Beeeee eeee eee east.

  4. Clinky's the dolphin's favorite blogger?!

    Oh, that stings.

  5. Anonymous2:00 PM EST

    Eric Cartman: If [dolphins] are so damn smart, how come they get caught in those fishing nets all the time? ?

    Wendy Testaburger [shocked, agitated look]: What?

    -- Lamont Cranston

  6. Cake, I think the dolphin's blog preference proves my suspicions:

    The real dolphins have been replaced by.....[cue dramatic music]....


    Run--or swim--for your lives!!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous2:03 PM EST

    Eeeeeeeeexterminate! Eeeeeeexterminate!

  8. Anonymous2:48 PM EST

    Jelly baby, anyone?

    Oh, damn...cyber-dolphins now?!

  9. Pleeeeeeeeease,

    Give the dophins a break.

    They do like three shows a day at aquariums all across the world and get paid in fish.

    Actually, maybe they are pretty stupid.
