Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Death of an American

One last glorious week.

One week. That's it.

And then....suicide watch.

One last glorious week. Tributes. Larry King. Maybe Conan.

And then suicide watch.

You see...President Ford died last night and now Chevy Chase will have one last flurry of attention and then he'll fade forever into oblivion.

One last glorious week.

We hardly knew you Chevy. You did one, maybe two funny things in your life and now its all over.

One last glorious week.

Moral of the story?

Whip Inflation Now.


I Aint No Oprah and you're not.


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM EST

    Chevy Chase is dying? He was also the original drummer for Steely Dan aside from those 2 funny things he did.

  2. "National Lampoon's Canadian Vacation"

  3. I heard Chevy Chase was working on his Hillary Clinton know, planning for the future.


  4. and I'm still trying to figure out who "Donna don't wanna get up said" from the last post.

    is it me or is it odd that Chevy did Ford?

  5. well without revealing too much on here....that's MY name! who's trying to impersonate me. and I just told some friends last night that I did NOT wanna get up this morning.

  6. You're Donna? Wifey is a Donna. But not one of the Donnas.

    And she aint Chevy Chase and you're not.

  7. Anonymous11:41 AM EST

    He buttered his own English muffins.

    Gerald Ford, that is, not Chevy Chase.

    Also... Bacon Ace referred to the two funny things Chevy Chase did. That would be "Oh Heavenly Dog" and what else?

    -- Lamont Cranston

  8. I'm named after "Ohhhhhh Donna"

    and am not a chevy or ford

  9. Anonymous1:46 PM EST

    Ford died, not me! FORD!

    I hate you all.

  10. Someone better change the subject...I'm having a hard time not derailing this into vehicular puns.

    Consider yourselves warned.

  11. So are they gonna open a "Gerlad Ford I Just Fell Down Clinic" right next to Betty's?

    Maybe you can admit wifey.

  12. Not to get off topic (like THAT ever happens around here) but I just rented The Devil Wears Prada.

    Is that a "chick flick," or am I turning into a gay man?

  13. let's hear you say Prahhdahh bemis!

    cute chick flick though

  14. Anonymous3:57 PM EST

    Somebody stop Cake before we have to bumper off! You can't expect the grill to resist an opportunity like that, and if she starts, my replies might 'fender.

    Because, you see, long after she tires of such puns, long before she is -- bored, I wheel be alligning up puns that will brake her, or at least cause suspension of belief.

    Seriously. Don't get me started. I'm on a transmission from God.

    NoOprah, you're from the Hub -- can't you put a cap on this?

    -- Lamont Cranston

  15. Anonymous3:59 PM EST

    Yeah, yeah, that shoulda been "long AFTER she's -- bored". Sue me.

    -- Lamont Cranston

  16. Oh sweet god...::faints::

  17. Lamont,

    Don't get cake's gears all out of shift. She's just not in a punny mood today.
    Maybe she's just tired from the holidays and needs a jumpstart.
    I'm sure Mr. Cake has the appropriate cables.

  18. tex,

    So that means I'm NOT turning into a gay man?


  19. I didn't say you weren't turning into one....besides from what I're either born gay or not born gay.

    I'd be looking for you a boyfriend to watch the movie with :)

  20. Bemis:

    I'm stuck in neutral today...the body's at work, the mind's still back in the middle of the Christmas feast.

    Send candy!

  21. Cake,

    I'm sure you'll be tuned up in no time.

    Do you want the candy Fed Exed or should I call Triple A and have it towed?

  22. Anonymous10:34 PM EST

    Donna Don't Wanna is my name and I love to ride Chevy's

  23. Well then it's a good thing I am a Ford

  24. Anonymous11:21 PM EST

    Me, I liked Gerald Ford, even if he was a Republican. The US needed a bit of quieting down around then.

    My favourite thing about him is that he's the only President to serve under an assumed name. I don't think it was ever legally changed.

  25. I heard on NPR tonight about how Gerald Ford will be resting in state in Washington. I also heard that James Brown was on display in his coffin at the Apollo Theater in Harlem. I think that it would have been much more fun to have Ford in Harlem and James Brown at the White House

  26. Anonymous10:42 AM EST

    Reading the excellent obituary of Ford on American Heritage (.com), I see that Ford actually did get his name legally changed in 1935.

    I sit enlightened.
