Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm tired.

This morning I broke the record for the human who wanted to stay in bed the most. This was an all time record I broke. Nobody in the history of mankind ever wanted the confines of those blankets more than me. Ever.

I'm exhausted.

Sleepy. Need sleep.

I'm so tired. Exhausted.

Sleepy McDougal. Tired. I can barely stay awake.

Eyelids encumbered by anvilian weights. Need sleep.

I'm so tired. Sleepy. Exhausted. Bed calling.

Tired. Just want to crawl upstairs and sleep. Sleep the long sleep. Dream. Sleep.

I'm yawning and stretching and thinking of tonight when I go to sleep.

Cuz I'm tired. Just want to sleep the day away. The night away. Eyelids closing. Sleepy. Tired. I need to sleep right now. Cuz I'm tired.

Yawny O'Reilly.

Stevie McYawny

Stretchin' and yawnin'. Yawnin' and stretchin'. Sleep needed. Not yawns.

Mr Sandman I hate you. I'm tired. Need sleep. Deep long dream filled sleep.

Clouds and sheep and runnin' and flyin' kinda sleep. Snoozin' is what I'm losin'

I'm tired. Sleepy. Exhausted. Need bed. Need sleep. Can't stay awake. Cuz I'm tired. Sleepy.

I friggin' exhausted. Just want to sleep. Pillows and blankets and sleep.

Oh my.

12 hours or so. And then I'll be asleep. Happy and rested. Dreaming. Sleeping.

Because I'm exhausted. Tired. Sleepy.

Sleepy McDreamy.

Dreamy McSleepy.

Mickey SleepDreamy.

I tired. Sleepy and exhausted.

Beds around the world are calling my name.

Because they know.

I'm tired.

Tired of not sleeping. Tired of yawning. Tired of being exhausted. Tired of being tired.

Tired. Sleepy.

And now I'm thirsty...


  1. Wah, wah, wah.

    (Oh but now I'm tired, too...thanks a LOT!)

  2. Anonymous11:15 AM EST

    Why so tired? It clearly is not because you were up all night writing today's blog entry.

    I know how you feel though. One time in college I hit the snooze alarm for 4 hours. 4 straight hours of waking up every 9 minutes. Some people have asked me; why not just get up or set the alarm for a later time? Those people do not understand the call of the snooze alarm. If I wasn't so damn tired I would have thought clearly and done so. The fact that I did this should tell you how half asleep I was each time I "woke up".
    If I'm not mistaken a nap was had just before dinner that day as well.

    PS missed every class that day.

  3. I haven't used an alarm clock in over 25 years and have NEVER used a so called snooze alarm. Puss.

  4. Anonymous11:48 AM EST

    I never claimed that it made me cool, or manly.

    "Puss" eh? Well I guess I know what you're not getting during today's lunchtime visit then.

  5. Anonymous11:53 AM EST

    Ok, Mr. Sleepy's easy to brag about not using an alarm clock when you don't have to be up at 6 :)

  6. Bacon Ace:

    Can I have his cookies? I've been very good today, I promise. And I'D never call you a puss!

  7. Anonymous11:57 AM EST

    I know you wouldn't Cake. However it's up to Mrs Bacon Ace. She did make them after all.

    Waitaminute is Cake eating cookies almost cannibalistic? Like cousins or something?

  8. No, no, it's okay as long as the cookies don't have icing on 'em (that's just a little too close for comfort).

  9. Anonymous12:43 PM EST

    "Well I guess I know what you're not getting during today's lunchtime visit then." there something i should know?

    have you been going there for a "nooner" every wednesday?

  10. So, how many hours of sleep *did* you get last night?

  11. Anonymous1:47 PM EST

    "have you been going there for a "nooner" every wednesday?"

    Honey, there's something I should tell you...

  12. Anonymous1:59 PM EST


  13. Oh, I soooo do not have sympathy for you.

    You get at least 8 hours of sleep *and* nooners with Bacon Ace? Dude, you're living a charmed life!

  14. Does a 'nooner' have anything to do with cookies?

  15. Well, it's possible the "nooner" could be paid for with cookies, I guess...

  16. Anonymous2:28 PM EST

    And just has. I'm back at work and very relaxed.

  17. Anonymous2:59 PM EST

    "I'm back at work and very relaxed."

    okay, did you have a nooner AND smoke a J? If I ain't allowed to smoke doobies, you sure ain't.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Anonymous4:53 PM EST

    Your post today has a certain rhythm to it.

  20. Anonymous5:04 PM EST

    How can anyone sleep in Whoville with all that noise, noise, noise, noise, noise, NOISE ?!

  21. Mr. No...

    I'm tearing up for you right now.

    Didn't you once brag that you've NEVER been late for work?

    And work starts at 11:00 A.M.? Who would know if you were late anyway since you work alone?

    But I'm sure it's an amazing accomplishment.

    Meanwhile, I've got to put the tissues away now since I have to set my alarm clock for 5:30 A.M. because if I'm late someone will notice.

    Of course you have my sincere sympathy. How do you possibly handle that 11 A.M. deadline?

  22. Anonymous12:23 AM EST

    That's 11:30 Bemis.

  23. Anonymous2:41 AM EST

    11:30 is 5:30, somewhere in the world.

  24. Anonymous9:52 AM EST

    The middle of the Pacific Ocean where nobody live?
