Friday, November 28, 2008

Snippets of conversation overheard at the I Aint No Oprah Family Thanksgiving.

WIFEY: "I hate Thanksgiving!"


WIFEY: "Thank you for your help."

ME: "Thank YOU for YOUR help."


YOUNGEST: "I nicknamed mine...Left and Right."


BROTHER-IN-LAW: "Wanna see my new Cadillac? I traded a shed for it."


OLDEST TO AUNTIE: "You smell good."

ME: "That's because she just hugged me."


BROTHER-IN-LAW: "Why don't you come on a cruise with us?"

WIFEY: "I'm afraid of water."


ME: "Did you know my buddy Maddog has never eaten pie or butternut squash."


YOUNGEST: "If it has seeds, it's a fruit."

ME: "What about butternut squash?"

YOUNGEST: "It's a fruit."



  1. Anonymous1:10 PM EST


  2. Anonymous1:44 PM EST


  3. Anonymous1:47 PM EST

    1) Were there onions in the mashed potatoes?
    2) Who got the wishbone?
    3) Is it true that Uncle Thomas is getting a little paunchy?
    4) Does Aunt Mary still have that drinking problem?
    5) What kind of pie was there?

  4. So to sum up:

    Lots of eating and small talk.

    And dog hair.

  5. Anonymous3:10 PM EST

    Geez, it's quiet around here on Black Friday.

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM EST

    I thought it was "Niggah Friday"??

  7. Anonymous3:18 PM EST

    We buried that word! BURIED IT!

  8. At the Doh's Thxgvg:

    K (in response to a request for gift ideas for the twins): Well, they don't have any balls to play with. So balls would be good.

    Mother-in-law snickers, laughs and replies: Really? No balls?

    Nice, huh? Yeesh.
