Tuesday, March 10, 2009

1 in 7 (or around 14%)

The following was in the news today:

>>>>>One in seven people believe it is acceptable in some circumstances for a man to hit his wife or girlfriend if she is dressed in “sexy or revealing clothes in public”, according to the findings of a survey released today.

A similar number believed that it was all right for a man to slap his wife or girlfriend if she is “nagging or constantly moaning at him”.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



I might just slap my wife and girlfriend.

But I'll be nice to my mistress and whores.


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM EDT

    Don't slap me baby. I'll be good.

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM EDT

    I don't think there is anything particularly wrong in hitting a woman, though I don't recommend you do it the same way that you hit a man.

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM EDT

    Darn tootin, Seany!


  4. Anonymous12:17 PM EDT

    Don't get me started!

  5. Anonymous12:31 PM EDT

    Nine of us* say that the one in seven people who believe that are nuts!

    Nine of us* also say that a similar number of people who believe the other thing are severely nuts!

    *One of us eats library paste.

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM EDT

    a) I Want To Hold Your Throat

    b) All My Hating

    c) Let It Bruise

    d) Get Back! For The Love Of God GET BACK!

    e) Fixing A Bitch

    f) PS I'm Gonna Slap You

    g) Here Comes The Open Palm

    h) Roll Over Kay Toven

  7. See, 50% of me says you phoned it in; the other 50% remains undecided.

  8. Anonymous1:45 PM EDT

    I don't actually mind but it'll cost you extra.

  9. Does this count as a political blog or a blog about Wifey?

    I'm just wondering who you're catering to...Saul or The Blonde.

  10. Anonymous1:53 PM EDT

    - Run for Your Life (no edit required)
    - Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except You and That Bruise
    - I'm So Tired of Your Backtalk
    - Mean Mr. Man of the House

  11. Anonymous2:51 PM EDT

    1 in 7 think this article is rubbish.

  12. Anonymous4:20 PM EDT

    Well, at least that is what I'm told to believe.

  13. How come no one ever focuses on what 6 out of 7 people think? In ads, we hear about 9 out of 10 dentists, etc. But, are the thoughts of 6 out of 7 regular folks just too boring to discuss? Mebbe.

    "6 out of 7 people believe they are going to have something darn tasty for dinner."
    "6 out of 7 people believe they are going to do some paperwork --tonight--then watch a little TV."
    "6 out of 7 people are convinced that they have this paper cut that's really bothering them. A similar number believes that the paper cut will be aggravated by lemon juice."

  14. Anonymous5:29 PM EDT


    That's why.

  15. Anonymous7:06 PM EDT

    you crack me up every day

  16. Anonymous11:04 AM EDT

    what's the big deal about a love smack?

  17. Anonymous11:53 AM EDT

    Did I say you could talk, beee-yotch? *smack*
