Tuesday, June 13, 2006

And the soldiers in Iraq think THEY have it tough?

On each side of my bed is an end table with a clock on it. My wife usually gets out of bed about three hours before I do and sometimes I'll be facing her side of the bed when I want to know what time it is, but I can't see the clock because her pillow blocks my view.

So I'm left with two choices....roll over and look at MY clock or move her pillow so I can see HER clock.

The soldiers in Iraq enlisted knowing full well they could go to war. I had no idea my view would be blocked if I got married.

(I'm thinking of putting a clock on the ceiling)


  1. Maybe you could get a helper monkey to move the pillows out of the way for you.

    Or, to roll you over.

    Or, to wear a watch and tell you what time it is.

    Gosh, I'm chock full of helpful ideas today!

  2. This is why I stay underwater.

    No snakes in planes, no helper monkeys. It's a better place to be.

  3. He can't wear a watch to bed - what if he woke up with his arm under the pillow or something? The horror!

    I vote for helper monkeys; I'll even chip in. What's a helper monkey go for these days, anyways?

  4. I dunno...probably not much. I don't think the monkeys have unionized yet.

  5. Right, then. I'll give them a call this afternoon:


    Same link, only smaller, in case blogger goofs the other one up:


  6. Dear PWDONZ,

    Maybe my wife can just start sleeping without a freakin' pillow.

  7. Anonymous4:03 PM EDT

    Free Tibet

  8. This is why x-ray vision is the best superpower.

  9. Anonymous10:40 AM EDT

