Thursday, June 15, 2006

Me Tarzan

Back in the so called 'day' there was a VFW post in my neighborhood and somehow (HA!) me and Hoag ended up on the roof of this 2 1/2 story building. Well, being up on a roof gets boring real fast and it was time to get down so Hoag shimmies down a post on the side of the building and then calls for me to do the same thing....but that aint my style. I'm gonna swing down like Spider-Man or Tarzan using the flag pole rope, and then maybe around the flag pole like a human tether ball or something.

It will look cool.

So Hoag somehow tosses up the flag pole rope to me and I grab it and start my Tarzan groovething and accompanying Tarzan yell.

I fell so damn fast I had no idea what hit me...the rope just burned right through my hands and took off most of the skin on both my hands. Totally ruined a good half of that summer for me as my hands had to stay bandaged most of the time. When I hit the ground, the manager of the VFW (Danny) who happened to watch the whole thing unfold, just looked at me, shook his head, and said "Dummy" and walked back inside.

Me Not Tarzan.


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM EDT

    That must have been very sexually frustrating back then...

  2. This is why x-ray vision is the best super-power.

  3. Things Captain AintNo and Hoagy probably also did as kids:

    - tried to cuddle porcupines
    - got their tongues stuck to metal
    - ate paste
    - stuck coins up their noses on dares

    I'm just guessing...

  4. Would you consider yourself to have been the douchebag of that particular week?

  5. Anonymous8:11 PM EDT

    Das ist nicht der Typ der lebenslustigen Person, über die ich sprach. Dork.

  6. Anonymous1:59 PM EDT

    One of my favorite "Captain AintNo and Hoagy memories: Somewhere they found this enormous box that must've held a refrigerator or something-so naturally, they put the box over their heads and it covered their entire bodies-all you could see was a big box with four feet- and began walking around town.

    But what's most "illuminating" is the fact that when my friend and I saw this box coming towards us we didn't even blink-we knew exactly who it was, said hi to them, and kept walking.
