Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Fashion Statement

Camouflage clothing.

I can understand our military wearing the beige camouflage out in the desert so maybe they won't get shot at but I don't quite get camouflage as a fashion statement.

When you wear orange camouflage what are you trying to blend in with? Orange Julius employee picnics?

Or how about that nifty blue camouflage. Are you floating in the sky trying to hide from someone?

I've even seen tie-dyed know, so you
could hide out at the Grateful Dead concert or something. Loser.

Now for the good part:

My Cousin Saul (owner of an award winning business) goes
down to Disney World (a hotbed of camouflage wearing cool-
cats) every year or two and when he sees someone wearing
the oh-so-nifty camouflage he bumps into them and totally
pretends he didn't see them. "Oh...I'm sorry, I didn't
see you with that camouflage on"

So help wipe out camouflage as a fashion statement and do
what Cousin Saul does.

(Five bucks says they make camouflage Capri pants...)


Anonymous said...

If Cousin Saul thinks he's the first person to come up with the "oops I didn't see're camouflaged" trick, he's wrong. (Get with it....jeez.)

BTW, they make camo Capris. I bet you like that. I bet you secretly own a hidden closet FULL of Capris and you try them on, admiringly, when no one is around. (Wanker)

Cake said...

I want cake camouflage so I can blend into the local pastry-shop and get locked in overnight.


Cake said...

I'm going to invent a line of camouflage bedding - pillow cases, dust ruffles, and duvets.

I'll call it Those aren't pillows.

I'm going to be so damn rich!

Anonymous said...

I wear "camouflaged underwear" all of the time-you'd never even know they were there.

Anonymous said...

In fact, now that I think about it, THAT'S a "Get Rich Quick" scheme. An attractive box labeled "Camouflaged Underwear" with nothing inside.

Cake said...

The Emperor's New Underwear?

Anonymous said...

You and Cousin Saul ought to come visit New York. There are also a lot of men here who share your interest in fashion.

Anonymous said...

"When you wear orange camouflage what are you trying to blend in with? Orange Julius employee picnics?"

Hopefully a raging fire.

Anonymous said...

Actually, camouflage works largely because it breaks up the solid outline of the person or animal being hidden. Orange camouflage would likely work in some situations. And it would better than a related solid color.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.