Friday, April 20, 2007

Don orange and maroon and show your Hoagy spirit.

Seems like the good folks at Virginia Tech wants the United States to dress in the Hoagy school colors of maroon and orange to show our support for the victims of the massacre.

If the good folk of the United States dress in said maroon and orange... I'm guessing there will be a lot more victims. Don't the Hoagies of Virginia Tech know that orange and maroon don't really go together? Wouldn't those colors totally take away the rich dark hues of my smoldering eyes?

How about if I wear blue jeans to show my support? And maybe a white t-shirt?

I'm pretty sure that will end most of the grief and sorrow.

But I'll bring a candle just in case it don't.

And maybe a ribbon pinned to my shirt.

Or an armband.

Or something.



A funny Hoagy story!

A wacky customer story!

A Beatles song parody!

We'll make fun of a celebrity that dies or utters a racial slur.

I'll utter a racial slur!

Stories of contractors from hell!

A T & T: they don't give a fuck!

Global *snicker* warming.

Hillary's thighs ::vomits::

A Barack Obama/ Osama bin Laden typo

A comment about Bush still probably being better than Gore or Kerry

Lois: The natural blonde. I think not.

Buddy Nite hijinx

New Zealand: country of retards or beautiful paradise?


shaynapunam said...

I love you, Steve. You are wicked cool. Seriously--No Candles in the Wind? Classic.

Lois Lane said...

See, if I was some kinda cheap nappy haired ho, I'd make some sort of "You'll never know" kind of comment.

But being a high class natural blonde, I refrain from that sort of thing. ;-)

So I'll just say that I'm looking forward to all of these surely witty and inspirational writings next week.

God Bless America!

Cake said...

You forgot to mention the day when you blog about how Canada is the new world power and you're sick with jealousy.

You're welcome for the reminder.

bacon ace said...

"How about if I wear blue jeans to show my support? And maybe a white t-shirt?"

OH MY GOD! Was Fonzie shot?

--steve cohen said...

Hey, I saw the "previews" of upcoming blogs and I gotta say that NEW ZEALAND is a beautiful paradise, and don't forget that my wife is from there and she hugged you last week!!!