Friday, December 22, 2006

Bad Joke. Good Joke.


Two elephants are sitting in a bathtub when the first one asks the second one to "Please pass the soap."

The other elephant responds: "No soap, radio."


Joe Barbera (1/2 of the famed cartoon team of Hanna-Barbera) died the other day. The funeral procession will consist of just driving by the same three building for a half an hour on a Saturday morning.


Whatcha got?


Cake said...

Two muffins are in the oven. One turns to the other and says, "Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?"

The other screams, "AAAH! Talking muffin!"

Worst joke I know...and I crack up every damn time.

Anonymous said...

Bad joke:

A guy walks into a bar and says "ouch".

Horrible joke:

What's 18 inches long and makes women cry?

Crib death

Anonymous said...

Why do they have hot water at births?

In case of stillbirth there can be soup!

Cake said...

My muffin joke is sick? Yer weird.

I Ain't No Oprah said...

I said 'You guys'

Are you a guy?

Cuz we all suspect you are...

Anonymous said...

What about the dyslexic blonde who walked into a bra?

Maine Comics Arts Festival said...

A baby seal walks into a club.....

One snowman says to the other "Hey, do you smell carrots?"

Anonymous said...

I went to the doctors and there was a guy there with celery sticking out of one ear and broccolli stuck in his nose...and the doctor said,"I know what your problem're not eating right."

Cake said...

"Are you a guy?
Cuz we all suspect you are..."

I set you up with that easy line on purpose...Merry Christmas!

Bemisdown said...

By the way, I didn't get the Hanna-Barbera joke.

Does that make me retarded?

(Cake: This is MY Christmas gift to IANO)

I Ain't No Oprah said...

You see in an old Flinstones (or other Hanna Barbera cartoon) whenever someone was running they would always run by the same three buildings...over and over and over again.

It cut down on animation costs.

Now do you get it?

Bemisdown said...

You were supposed to simply say "Yes."
As in "Yes, you're retarded."

But instead I got a doctoral dissertation on "Cost Cutting Techniques Employed by the Hanna Barbera Animation Studios: A Case Study In Corporate Streamlining."

Scrooge. See of I give YOU another Christmas gift.

Clinky said...

"I know you are but what am I?"