About 40 years ago my Mom worked in the catering business in California and did a party for Jack Benny the Comedian (not the Comedian from Watchmen) and at the end of said party Jack asked my Mom if she had a son that would like some sport coats from his grandson.
Mom said sure....and gave me the sport coats.
Now flash forward to the other day.
I was talking to someone who just received some clothes from Jack Benny's grandson.
A different grandson....but a grandson of Jack Benny just the same.
There has to be some kinda odds on two people, 40 years apart, 3000 miles away both receiving clothes from Jack Benny's grandson.
True story. No punchline.
To sum up: All of Jack Benny's grandsons are nudists?
You can't sum up in the form of a question.
To sum up: But, I did!
You did something.
Did you sum up? I think not.
To sum up:
Punctuation is a cruel mistress.
Hulk SMASH Benny Jack!
(But Hulk could use some Benny Jack grandson sport coats, Hulk rip all his...size XXXXXXXXXXXXXL)
So to sum up:
IANO said we're not allowed to sum up in the form of a question?
Great story. Better if the coats had been magic or something...but it's a pretty great story, regardless.
Also, thank gawd for a non-political post.
Just sayin'.
Dear Cake,
Clearly you didn't get the 'Jack Benny' metaphor mixed in with 'sport coat' anagram.
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