Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Living on $2.00 a day

I read in magazine that over two BILLION people live on $2.00 a day (or less)

Here is what I'd do if I had to live on $2.00 a day.

1. In the morning I'd stop at IHOP and have pancakes, sausage, toast, bacon, hash browns, and large glass of cold milk. .20 cents.

2. Then I'd buy a newspaper to read while eating said breakfast. .02 cents

3. Then I drive to work paying a toll on the Pike and filling up my tank with gas. .24 cents.

4. When I got to work I'd walk over to the STORE 24 for snacks. .09 cents.

5. On my way home I'd stop and pick up my wife some flowers or jewelry. .30 cents.

6. When I got home I'd surprise wifey and take her out for dinner and drinks. .41 cents.

7. With the left over .94 cents I'd put aside some of it towards the phone bill, electric, cable, insurance, new car, college funds, investments, etc.

Life is pretty good at $2.00 a day. I can only imagine the rich folks spending upwards of $3.00 a day.


Cake said...

I can buy all that for $1.98 Canadian.

In YOUR face!

I Ain't No Oprah said...

So what you're saying is you're living on $1.98 a day?

Cake said...

Yes, but I have no savings what with the extra money I have to put into heating the igloo and feeding the sled team.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the $0.01 tip! I used it to buy new shoes for my kids.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't live on $2 per day...I'd get all thin and sickly.

Sparkle Plenty said...

Whoa, Cochise. I'm no mathmagician, but doesn't this lavish spending add up to $2.20 (.20, .02, .24, .09, .30, .41, .94)? I think your $50 car just got repo-ed, as well as your $1,000 house? Hellllloooo bankruptcy?

Cake said...

Math gives me hives. Let's round it down and call it close enough.

Sparkle Plenty said...

Oooooh, that would be the decent thing to do, Cakey, but no can do. He's gotta tighten his belt. Plus, he'll probably edit this and remove all traces of banruptcy.

Cake said...

Okay, well he's $0.20 over...I guess he goes without breakfast tomorrow?

I Ain't No Oprah said...

It's called Reaganomics.

Sparkle Plenty said...

Does that mean economics that has The Alzheimers?

Anonymous said...

Can I lick the plate when you're done?

Anonymous said...

Oh ya, starving guy! Clean up that plate! Sweep it up, yo!

Lois Lane said...

In the immortal words of Barbie, "Math is hard."