So last night I'm hooking up a new cable box/dvr thingy and when doing so I have to call the cable company to 'activate' the box.
And they need the serial number of said box.
The serial 'number' was all letters. Something like SAMFWPEVLR.
So I start reading off the serial 'number' to the gal on the phone (5'4", 110 pounds, c-cup, tight jeans, great smile)....anyhow...
So I start reading them off: "S-A-..."
GAL: "S as in Sam?"
ME: "Yes...S as in Sam, A as in Andrew, M as in Michael, F as in Frank, W as in William, P as in Peter, E as in Elephant,......"
:::this is where the downs syndrome set in:::
ME: "....V as in something that starts with the letter V, L as in something that starts with the letter L, and R as in something that starts with the letter R"
Life Goes On (The dvr box doesn't)
YEAH! What he said!
Such a marvelously fortuitous weekend post! Excellently varied laughter...really!
Said American male: females with perfectly excellent va...ntages, lemme rustle!!
So, anyways, my friend was Palinesque; entertainingly vacuous, lacking reason.
Sarah! Answer my fonecall...will promise enduring vitality! Love, Republican.
Sorry, a menacing flood will probably envelop various lowlying regions.
Sandwich: a meatslice, fromage with paste...exciting victuals. Latter refreshing!
Save a minute, forswear wearing pants...embrace very ladylike regalia!
Hey Idjit,
It ain't the playing the word game game...it's the serial numbers on my DVR/Cable box thingy non-game.
Serial alphabet makes fun words...probably entertains very loser readers.
So amusing! My fragile widdle person enjoys very lowkey rabblerousing.
Awwww....we always knew you were special. Now, the cable company does too!
1. Cake's drugs obviously haven't worn off yet.
1. Your description of the cable CSR was obviously influenced by her voice. In reality, she resembles me, only her beard isn't quite as full.
1. The "R" should have been easy... REEEEEE-tard!
So, anyways, my friend was Obamaesque; entertainingly inspirational, lacking any substance.
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