So yesterday around 2:00 I hear the news about Jim Rice being elected to the baseball Hall of Fame.
I instantly shoot off an email to Wifey because I know she'll be excited and because I know she knows that Big Jim was (and is) my all time favorite player. Ever:
WIFEY: "I heard"
ME: "We'll celebrate it tonight!"
So after a day of giddy excitement I finally get home and I spot my oldest daughter in the living room:
ME: "Hey...great news about Jim Rice, huh?"
OLDEST: "Who is Jim Rice?"
ME: "My all-time favorite Red Sox player and he just got elected to the Hall of Fame!"
OLDEST: ::crickets::
And then I spot Wifey.
I put my arms around her waist and just hold her for a second.
ME: "Did you tear up when you heard the news?"
WIFEY: "What news?"
ME: "About Jim Rice getting elected to the Hall of Fame on his final try!"
WIFEY: "No."
And then the celebration began!
I ate dinner alone on my special Jim Rice Got Elected To The Hall Of Fame Chair.
Dinner consisted of what we now call The Jim Ed Rice Special: Ham and eggs and a bagel, milk and orange juice. (Denny's would call it the Hall Of Fame Slam)
And the celebration continued:
On over to the couch where me and Wifey watched three or four sitcoms in honor of Jim Rice being elected to The Hall of Fame!
Obviously Wifey was exhausted from the celebration and went on up to bed. I stayed downstairs alone and partied like it was 1999!
Or something.
It was now past midnight. No more party noise from the neighborhood.
So I went up to bed.
And in my celebration haze I must have woke up Wifey from a bad dream where Jim Rice DIDN'T get elected to the Hall of Fame....cuz she sounded kinda mad.
Jim Rice, Hall of Famer.